Tuesday, May 28, 2024

WWF at Marshfield Senior High Fieldhouse (October 28, 1990)


Original Airdate: October 28, 1990

From Marshfield, Wisconsin

Opening Match: Shane Douglas v Black Bart: Douglas dominates him early, so Bart complains to the referee, but Douglas is on him with a schoolboy for two. Shane with a pair of armdrags and a pair of dropkicks to send Bart to the outside, but Bart goes to the eyes on the way back in. Bart tries a hiptoss out of the corner, but Douglas reverses, and uses a pair of headscissor takedowns. Bart escapes and dumps Douglas across the top rope, and he delivers a straddling ropechoke, followed by a blatant chokehold. Clothesline, but Douglas ducks, so Bart catches him with a backbreaker for two on the rebound. Chinlock, but Douglas escapes, so Bart pounds him back down. A snapmare allows Bart another chinlock, but Shane fights free, and is able to mount a comeback this time. Douglas with a high knee for two, so Bart goes to the eyes, and corner whips him. He charges in, but Douglas dodges, and uses a sunset flip at 10:00. This was pretty basic, but the crowd was hot for it, and it was competent. ¾*

Warlord v Tom Stone: It’s so weird seeing this Hulkamania era roster working in this small high school facility, like it’s a RAW taping in 1995. Kind of a fun mashup of eras. Also, this is pretty much a straight up squash, which is pretty unusual for a house show. Warlord with a running powerslam at 4:07. DUD

Nikolai Volkoff v Sgt. Slaughter: Another low rent thing about this show: there isn’t even an actual ‘entrance area,’ they just kind of come out of the locker room like at a 1993 ECW show. It’s still so odd seeing Volkoff carrying an American flag, and Sarge waving a foreign one. Just so off! Sarge attacks from behind, and pounds Volkoff down for a choke to start. An elbowdrop leads to the camel clutch, and Volkoff is done at 2:09. That was a lot quicker and more decisive than I anticipated. Hell, Tom Stone put up more of a fight than Volkoff here. DUD

The Rockers v Power & Glory: Hercules tries to scare them back by swinging his chain around, but Marty Jannetty dives in, and the Rockers clean house. Unfortunately for them, Marty gets clobbered on the outside, and Paul Roma goes to work on him as the dust settles. Backdrop, but Marty blocks, and throws a series of rights, before passing to Shawn Michaels for a double team. Shawn with an inverted atomic drop and a shoulderblock, followed by mounted punches. Back to Marty for a tandem hiptoss, so Hercules runs in, but eats stereo superkicks. Shawn hits Roma with a superkick, and he tries an atomic drop on Hercules, but Roma saves, and puts the boots to Michaels. That’s enough to turn the tide, and the heels go to work on Michaels, cutting the ring in half. Marty catches the hot tag, and runs wild, hitting Roma with a clothesline for two, and Roseanne Barr the door. Hercules backdrops Shawn over the top, allowing the heels to double up on Jannetty, but Marty catches Paul with a bodypress at 8:52. * ¾ 

Koko B Ware v Boris Zhukov: Zhukov stalls to start, but Koko knocks him around once they engage. A charge in the corner misses for the Birdman, however, and Boris takes control. He puts the boots to Koko, but Ware manages a sunset flip for two, so Zhukov clobbers him with an axehandle to keep control. Boris goes to a chinlock from there, and a shoulderblock gets him two. Back to the chinlock, and a cross corner whip, but Koko blocks the charge in, and dives with a missile dropkick at 7:50. Dull stuff. ¼*

WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Kerry Von Erich v Mr. Perfect: Perfect attacks as Kerry climbs into the ring, and he clotheslines the champion over the top. Perfect follows to crack him with chops on the floor, and Kerry gets a face full of the guardrail out there. Back in, Kerry fights Perfect off, and sends him bumping around, before chucking him over the top. Perfect begs off on the way back inside, and manages to slip back to the floor to frustrate the champion. Perfect stalls, but ends up in a wristlock as he comes back into the ring. Perfect fights to a vertical base, so Von Erich tries a corner whip, but Perfect reverses, and gets him in a sleeper on the rebound. Kerry escapes, and this capitalizing with the discuss punch, but Perfect blocks. That allows the challenger to unload in the corner, and a snapmare sets up a somersault necksnap. Perfect with a few chokes against the turnbuckles, and another snapmare sets up a headvice. Kerry escapes, and looks for a comeback, so Perfect goes to the eyes to cut him off. He throws a standing dropkick to send Von Erich to the outside, and Perfect follows with a smash into the apron out there. Perfect snaps his throat across the top rope on the way back in, and the challenger unloads in the corner. A clothesline connects, and the bridging fisherman suplex looks to finish, but only gets two. Perfect decides to go to the next level by exposing a top turnbuckle, but Von Erich sends him into it before Perfect can use it, getting the champion two. Kerry stays on him, however, and the discuss punch finishes at 10:42. A pretty fun outing. *

Main Event: Earthquake v Jim Duggan: Posturing to start, and Earthquake ends up knocking him out of the ring. He follows to post Duggan, and gets a bearhug on as they head back inside. Jim slugs free, but Earthquake avoids a comeback, and railroads Duggan into the corner for more abuse. Another bearhug, so Jim bites at him. Earthquake responds with an avalanche, but it misses, and Duggan starts throwing clotheslines. A series of them stagger the big guy, but fail to take him off of his feet, so Jim uses a three-point stance to get the job done for two. He goes after Jimmy Hart from there, allowing Earthquake to recover, but the sneak attack backfires, and Duggan schoolboys at 7:40. Boring. DUD

BUExperience: This was a pretty down period for the promotion in general, and this show was in line with that.


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