Thursday, May 30, 2024

WWF Superstars (October 14, 1995)


Original Airdate: October 14, 1995 (taped September 26)

From Valparaiso, Indiana; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler

The Blu Brothers v Razor Ramon and 1-2-3 Kid: Jacob Blu starts with Razor, and what the hell is the Bad Guy wearing here? His gear got really lazy during this period. Jacob powers him around initially, but Ramon manages a takedown, and works the arm. Short-clothesline, but Jacob reverses, and tags to Eli Blu. Eli with a pair of corner whips, and a clothesline of his own connects. Back to Jacob for a tree of woe, but Eli telegraphs a backdrop, and eats a kneelift. That allows the tag to Kid, and he runs wild on Eli, but a bodypress gets caught in a powerslam for two. Tag to Jacob for a tandem backdrop, as WWF Tag Team Champions The Smoking Gunns come out to observe. The Brothers cut the ring in half on Kid, and Kid is a little shy with his hope spots here. He manages to fight Jacob off for the hot tag to Ramon, and the Bad Guy runs wild. Razor’s Edge on Jacob, but Eli attacks before Ramon can deliver it, and Roseanne Barr the door. Eli picks Razor up for a slam, but Kid dives off the top with a missile dropkick that knocks Ramon into toppling Blu for the pin at 9:51. Competent, but nothing special. *

Dok Hendrix is in the studio with the In Your House Slam Jam. Nothing of note here

Bam Bam Bigelow v Tom Knox: They highlight Bigelow’s feature in the latest WWF Magazine, in which he discusses his love of fishing. Go out and get that now, there are tuna recipes! I know, I’m also surprised he didn’t set the world on fire as a top babyface. Bigelow with a flying headbutt drop at 1:45, as Vince works to get ‘Bammer’ over as a nickname. DUD

Ahmed Johnson thinks kids should work hard in school, as a thank you to their parents for wasting hard earned money on WWF tickets. It’s only right

The Smoking Gunns v AC Connor and Scott Stevens: The WWF Tag Team title is not on the line, and Razor Ramon and 1-2-3 Kid are out to observe, in response to earlier. The Gunns with a combo at 3:28. Afterwards, Ramon and Kid give them a dismissive clap, ahead of their showdown for the tag title. DUD

Skip v Sonny Rogers: Lawler admires Sunny, and Vince is almost apologizing for him here. Boy, how things would change. Meanwhile, Rad Radford runs out to cheer Skip on, angling to become a Bodydonna. Rogers actually gets a series of nearfalls on Skip here, as he either doesn’t understand how WWF squashes work, or they’re purposely trying to make him look as weak as possible. All considered, probably the latter. Skip with a rana off the top (called a ‘Frankensteiner’ by Vince) at 3:29. I’m surprised he didn’t scream in his own ear about that one. ¼*

Ross catches up with WWF Champion Diesel backstage, questioning him about his ‘losing streak.’ Diesel says he’ll let his actions do the talking in the ring

Diesel v Waylon Mercy: The WWF Title is not on the line here. Posturing to start, and Diesel catches him with a big boot, then delivers a corner clothesline, as Davey Boy Smith makes his way out. Diesel abandons the match to go after Bulldog in the aisle, and they brawl, with Diesel getting counted out at 1:50. This was like a Nitro main event, with two minutes of posturing, and then a cheap finish. And involving some of the same people, to boot. Afterwards, Diesel comes back and kicks his ass with passion. Well, if he’d done that to begin with, he’d have had the winner's end of the purse money. DUD

Hendrix is back with another In Your House Slam Jam

Backstage, WWF Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels thinks that things are so crazy around here right now that he may not even make it to In Your House. Yeah, about that

BUExperience: Decent stuff this week. They had some solid angles simmering, even if some of the gimmicks were terrible.

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