Tuesday, May 7, 2024

WWF Superstars (September 16, 1995)


Original Airdate: September 16, 1995 (taped August 29)

From Erie, Pennsylvania; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

Hakushi v Rad Radford: This is supposed to be Hakushi taking on Skip, but Skip comes out with his arm in a sling, and sadly cannot perform. Rad attacks as Hakushi absorbs that information, and pounds Hakushi down for a ropechoke. Skip takes a swipe at him from the outside, but Rad misses a clothesline, and Hakushi backdrops him over the top. Hakushi is on him with a plancha, and he grabs a standing side-headlock on the way in. Sunny distracts the referee, allowing Skip to break the hold, suddenly not having any trouble with his arm. I didn’t see that coming, I’ll tell you. Radford with a butterfly suplex for two, but Hakushi manages a bodypress for two, so Rad cuts him off with a clothesline for two. Rad with a bootchoke, but a reversal sequence ends in Hakushi side suplexing him. Backdrop, but Radford blocks, and throws a dropkick for two. Rad goes to a chinlock from there, but Hakushi fights free, so Radford drops him with a rotating spinebuster for two. Hakushi fights him off and hits a handspring backelbow, followed by a missile dropkick for two, as he goes on the comeback trail. Hakushi with a bodyslam, and a springboard flying splash looks to finish, but Skip attacks him. The referee sees it, but instead of calling for the DQ, he orders Skip into the ring. Kind of unfair, considering he’s fresh. Skip refuses, so Barry Horowitz comes out to force him in, and Hakushi hits Skip with a flying bodypress at 7:04. The match was fine, the angle was fine. I’m not a fan of ‘one guy works the match, different guy takes the fall,’ but it’s TV, so it’s more acceptable. Certainly more so then when WCW pulled that shit in a pay per view main event. * ¼ 

Todd Pettengill is in the studio for the In Your House Report

In Your House ad

King Kong Bundy v Henry Godwinn: Lots of turns in this period. Hakushi is a babyface now, Godwinn is a heel. Wasn’t the 1-2-3 Kid turn right around this time as well? Godwinn slops Ted DiBiase before the bell, but that allows Bundy to attack. Bundy with a corner clothesline and a backelbow, but Henry comes back, throwing clotheslines. An elbowdrop misses, however, and Bundy bootchokes him. Bundy with a kneedrop for two, but the avalanche misses, and Godwinn bodyslams him for the pin at 4:17. Nothing doing here, but Godwinn got a pretty huge pop for the finish. Afterwards, an embarrassed DiBiase leads Kama and Tatanka out to beat Godwinn down, but Bam Bam Bigelow makes the save. DUD

Hunter Hearst Helmsley comes out to have a match, but complains of the stench from Godwinn’s slop, and refuses to work

Savio Vega v Rick Stockhauser: Waylon Mercy split screens in to hype up his match with Savio at In Your House. It’s too bad the promos were the only thing Mercy could deliver at this point. Vega with a spinheel kick at 1:37. DUD

Todd is back with another In Your House Report

Various wrestlers react to Barry Horowitz pinning Skip. Shawn Michaels noting that he has 'a life,' and therefore doesn't follow the WWF shows that closely, is a weird thing for them to air

BUExperience: Despite having two feature matches, there was very little going on here, with lots of recapping from other shows.

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