Tuesday, May 14, 2024

WWF Royal Rumble Countdown Show (January 21, 1990)


Original Airdate: January 21, 1990

Your Host is Sean Mooney from the control center

Sean starts by running down the card

Big Boss Man is going to destroy Jim Duggan, and Slick is going to slap Jim’s mama for good measure 

Jim Duggan thinks Boss Man is not only a disgrace to the badge, but to all the people in the country, too. Duggan actually notes that he won the very first Royal Rumble match, which I think is one of the few times they ever really acknowledged that win after the pay per view version came along

Genius promises victory over Brutus Beefcake. He feels very low energy here

Brutus Beefcake is planning some struttin’ and cuttin’, and even offers us a poem. Beefcake seemed to be taking all the stimulants Genius didn’t that night

Ron Garvin is ready to hammer jam Greg Valentine in their submission match

Greg Valentine isn’t sweating Garvin. Nor should he. There’s nothing to be scared of, Donny

The Bushwhackers are very excited. Not really sure what about, no idea what they’re saying

The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers are going to beat the Bushwhackers for America

Brother Love is really looking forward to having Sensational Sherri and Sapphire as his guests on the Brother Love Show tonight

WWF Intercontinental Champion Ultimate Warrior is ready to Rumble

Honky Tonk Man feels he will win the Rumble

Randy Savage is planning to walk the red carpet all the way to Rumble victory

Roddy Piper is glad the event is on a Sunday, because if he ain’t winning, it’s because he died trying, and then at least he’ll go to heaven

WWF Tag Team Champions The Colossal Connection bicker as manager Bobby Heenan notes that it’s every man for himself

Bad News Brown thinks we should sell everything we own to bet it on him in the Rumble

Jimmy Snuka is… on some hard drugs, by the looks of things

Koko B Ware is going so crazy that Frankie tries attacking him. And Koko doesn’t even break for a second! Now that’s a pro, no wonder he made it into the Hall of Fame!

Rick Martel is going to win the Rumble as a way to kick of the 1990s

Bret Hart has what it takes to win the Rumble. More like ‘everything it takes to almost win a Rumble’

The Rockers are ready to tackle the Rumble as a team

Rick Rude won’t play second fiddle to anyone, including the rest of the Heenan Family

Hercules has been praying for the Rumble

Mr. Perfect isn’t interested in the luck of the draw, he can get it done no matter when he comes in

Demolition are gunning for the Colossal Connection in the Rumble

Jake Roberts thinks the Rumble is a sick concept, but he’s ready to put his career on the line for the glory. Good promo from Jake here, he was great during this period

Jim Neidhart feels lucky tonight

The Powers of Pain are going to win as a late Christmas present to Mr. Fuji

Dusty Rhodes is ready for the Bunkhouse Stampede

Tito Santana is ready to hang out

Dino Bravo and Earthquake are not going it alone

Ted DiBiase and Virgil are sick of the insinuations that Ted cheated to get number thirty last year

WWF Champion Hulk Hogan survived the Survivor Series, he survived No Holds Barred, and now he’ll survive the Rumble

Sean dips out, and we get a literal countdown for the final seven minutes. Lazy!

BUExperience: This was fun and fast paced - even if they couldn’t be bothered to fill the entire runtime.

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