Monday, May 27, 2024

WWF Superstars (October 7, 1995)


Original Airdate: October 7, 1995 (taped September 26)

From Valparaiso, Indiana; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler

Backstage, Barry Horowitz teaches Hakushi about American customs

Dean Douglas v Barry Horowitz: Barry actually attacks from behind before the bell, and he catches Dean with a chincrusher. A jumping backelbow and a cradle get Horowitz two, and a high knee leads to a somersault cradle for two. He tries a front-facelock, but Douglas backdrops him to block, and delivers a bodyslam to set up a springboard splash for two. Dean with a turnbuckle smash ahead of a series of jabs, and a backelbow of his own finds the mark for two. Dean chokes him on the mat, and a vertical suplex, as Skip, Rad Radford, and Sunny make their way out. Douglas with a side suplex, and more choking gets him a two count. Dean with an inverted atomic drop, and more choking. Did he think copying Undertaker matches was the ticket to a push, or something? Dean with a backbreaker to set up a slingshot fistdrop for two, but Barry pops him with a headbutt, so Dean kicks at the knee. Dean works the knee, but Horowitz fights him off, and goes on the comeback trail. A backdrop gets him two, but he telegraphs a second one, and gets dumped across the top rope for his efforts. Dean puts the boots to him, and a bridging fisherman suplex finishes at 5:43. Had some mojo, but pretty weak overall. Dean’s offense was really lacking here. *

Dok Hendrix is in the studio for the In Your House Slam Jam

Savio Vega v Tom Knox: Ross makes a ‘school of hard knocks’ joke within seconds here, which is pretty off base for him. Was he trying to get on Vince’s good side there? Jean-Pierre LaFitte shows up during the match, stealing Savio’s flag to start another stupid feud. Vega doesn’t notice, and puts Knox away with a spinheel kick at 2:34. Oh, but then afterwards, Vega realizes the flag is missing, and he is upset. ¼*

Ahmed Johnson is sick of people who aren’t good role models for the kids. Why is he so angry, though?

Isaac Yankem v Tom Torres: Vince announces that Gorilla Monsoon has ruled that Yankem will face Bret Hart in a cage, as we continue to put Bret in useless feuds. Watching his angles and matches during this period, you wouldn’t think he was on the cusp of another world title run. Yankem with a DDT at 3:27 to end this dull squash. DUD

Vince brings WWF Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels out to discuss his defense against Dean Douglas at In Your House, and it’s a tidal wave of school related puns. And Vince looks smitten. Seriously, the eyes. Luckily, Douglas comes out before things get too exciting, but he just jaws at Shawn for a few seconds, before leaving without incident. Really, making this a must see

Sycho Sid and Kama v Bam Bam Bigelow and Henry Godwinn: Kama and Godwinn start, and Henry gets him in a standing headlock right away. Kama forces a criss cross, but misses a charge, and goes flying over the top. Cue a distraction from Sid to allow Kama to recover and attack, and he pounds Godwinn down. Tag to Sid for a tandem matslam on the exchange, and Sid wants a powerbomb, but Godwinn backdrops him. That didn’t look good. Godwinn and Bam Bam pinball Sid in their corner for a bit, and a combo puts Sid down. Bam Bam with a cross corner whip, and a clothesline connects for two. Another cross corner whip, but a corner splash misses, and Sid clotheslines him. Sid uses a big boot to send Bigelow over the top, and Ted DiBiase is quick to add some abuse on the outside. The heels cut the ring in half on Bam Bam, but Bigelow manages to backdrop Sid to counter the powerbomb, and Godwinn gets the hot tag. He runs wild, hitting Sid with the inverted DDT, but Kama dives off the top to break the pin attempt, and Sid hooks the leg on Godwinn at 9:25. Competent enough, but pretty uninteresting. *

Marty Jannetty v Brooklyn Brawler: Marty’s only 35 at this point, but he looks ancient. Goldust split screens in to hype his match with Jannetty at In Your House, as the announcers get over ‘bizarre’ as the buzzword for the gimmick. Marty with a flying fistdrop at 2:43. DUD

Hendrix is back with another In Your House Slam Jam

BUExperience: Nothing major, but it’s nice seeing that this show is getting actual storylines to develop and feature matches on a regular basis again. I’m not sure how long it lasted, but it’s been welcome.

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