Friday, December 4, 2015

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event XIV (Version II)

Original Airdate: January 2, 1988

From Landover, Maryland; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura

Hulk Hogan is ready to get his hands dirty

The Bolsheviks aren't impressed by any pintsized Rambos. No word on their feelings on the full sized version. Though, if he can change... and they can change... maybe we can all change! Meanwhile Strike Force just can't stop clapping

WWF Tag Team Title 2/3 Falls Match: Strike Force v The Bolsheviks: Tito Santana starts with Boris Zhukov, and manages a bodyslam out of a criss cross, then armdrags the Russian into an armbar. Tag to Rick Martel for a tandem gutpunch, and the champs work Boris' arm - trading off with quick tags, in and out. Boris manages to punch Martel to tag to Nikolai Volkoff, but Rick counters a press-slam with a rollup for two, then hooks an inside cradle for two. Back to Boris, but Martel reverses him in the corner, and Tito hits a bodypress for two. Cheap shot in the Russian corner turns the tide, and they cut the ring in half on Santana. Zhukov misses an elbowdrop to allow the tag back to Martel, and he's a maison of fire - quickly putting Boris away with the Boston Crab at 4:23. Strike Force tandem dropkick Boris, and Martel bodyslams him to setup another Crab, but Volkoff saves, and press-slams Rick onto the top rope. Nikolai with a gutwrench suplex for two, as the challengers cut the ring in half. Rick manages to catch Nikolai with a sunset flip for two, and a double-knockout spot leads to tags all around. Santana is a casa of fire to ignite a brawl, and the Russians grab Slick's cane - only for it to backfire, and get Volkoff pinned at 7:55. Well worked formula stuff here. ** ¼ (Original rating: ¼*)

Backstage, Mr. Fuji and Sika prepare a python sized loaf of bread and a jar of (what I can only hope is actually) mustard (you never know with Fuji, after all). Meanwhile, Jake promises to go in through the backdoor, if necessary

Jake Roberts v Sika: Jake uses his quickness to trap Sika in a wristlock, but gets caught with a dropkick while coming off the ropes. Sika unloads a series of backscratches (I guess he learned something from that Hogan match a few episodes back), and it's nervehold time! Well, good, I need to check my emails anyway. Jake fights out with some jabs, so Fuji trips him up with his cane from the floor (popular weapon tonight - the local cane store must have had a banner weekend), but Sika fucks it up by missing a cross corner charge, and Roberts schoolboys him at 3:35. It's a three minute match that needed restholds. Any other questions? DUD (Original rating: DUD)

Backstage, The Heenan Family are up to no good, while Hulk Hogan is terrifying sweaty. Guess all that handy dirtying was hard work

WWF Title Match: Hulk Hogan v King Kong Bundy: Hilariously, Hogan comes through the curtain and is now bone dry. And not even wearing the same headband, to boot. Come on, guys! Collar-and-elbow tie-up to start, and Hulk frustrates the big guy into charging, then dodges. Hogan unloads a series of turnbuckle smashes, and a big boot knocks the challenger to the floor. Andre the Giant (obtaining a temporary manager's license to take the injured Bobby Heenan's place at ringside) provides advice on the floor, but Bundy walks into a clothesline on the way back in, and Hulk works a wristlock. King Kong counters with an armbar, however - which has to be one of the few times I've ever seen Hogan in an armbar, actually. It's always, like, a bearhug or a chinlock. Hulk escapes with a series of shoulderblocks, but runs into a backelbow, and Bundy goes back to the armbar. Hulk adds a cool bit to his selling where he starts smacking his own hand to keep it from numbing, which is a neat touch. He escapes with a bodyslam, but that hurts the arm Bundy was just working on, and the challenger slams him back. Pair of elbowdrops miss, however, and Hogan cross corner clotheslines him. Another cross corner whip gets reversed, however, and Bundy Avalanches him - though he takes the referee out in the process. Since the official absorbed the brunt of the Avalanche, Hogan is able to windmill punch Bundy to the floor again, as the referee gets stretchered off in dramatic fashion. Give it to 'em, they knew how to make a ref bump count in the 80s. With a new referee in place, King Kong clotheslines Hulk down to setup a kneedrop for two, and a chop knocks the champ the outside. Back in, Bundy shoulderblocks him down for two, and he slaps on a chinlock. That's more like it! Avalanche hits full on this time, and Bundy adds a second one for good measure. Makes sense, given Hogan's history of kicking out of it in the past. Splash punctuates it, but the champ HULKS UP!! Corner Whip! Legdrop! 12:09! That was kind of a short form Hulk Up there, no? Afterwards, Andre attacks, and lays the Hulkster out in dramatic fashion, until half the babyface roster runs in to pull him off. Decent match, though it was really just background for the awesome Andre angle (heel Andre was just so fucking brilliant), and is notable for what ended up being one of Bundy's last appearances until the mid-90s. * (Original rating: ½*)

Greg Valentine calls Brutus Beefcake a 'fruitcake.' Well, he's a hairdresser from San Francisco with an affinity for see-through clothing, who later would call himself the 'booty man.' Would it really be all that surprising? But then, Greg makes this accusation only moments after declaring that his relationship with Jimmy Hart makes him 'the happiest he's been in (his) life,' so who knows where he's coming from, really. Meanwhile, Koko B. Ware thinks Valentine is a 'featherweight.' Well, that WOULD make him a little light in the loafers

Greg Valentine v Koko B. Ware: Koko runs into a stungun right away, and Greg unloads with a pair of elbowsmashes for two. Figure Four, but Ware manages to block, so Valentine hammers him in the corner instead. Greg with a flying axehandle to setup an elbowdrop for two, and it's chinlock time. Uh-oh, I smell the next Hogan challenger! Brutus Beefcake makes his way down, which allows Koko to escape, and schoolboy the Hammer for two. Inside cradle gets two, and a backslide is worth a one count - Valentine wisely bailing. He bitches to the official about Beefcake's presence while out there, and gets the Barber sent to the back. The breather allows Valentine to take over on the way back in, and a backdrop sets up another elbowdrop for two. Bodyslam, but a trip to the top gets him slammed down, and Koko makes a comeback. Dropkick and a headbutt flop the Hammer, and a 2nd rope fistdrop is worth two. He tries a headlock, but Greg counters with a kneebreaker, and shifts right to the Figure Four at 7:30. Afterwards, Beefcake saves Koko from a beat down. Watchable. * (Original rating: ½*)

Andre the Giant is enjoying himself in the showers

BUExperience: This show is so much fun. Even when the wrestling is only average, the show still manages to stay both entertaining and effective in advancing angles

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