Sunday, July 21, 2024

NWA (ECW) Eastern Championship Wrestling (March 22, 1994)


Original Airdate: March 22, 1994

Your Host is Joey Styles from the studio

Tod Gordon is at the fairgrounds, getting ready for Ultimate Jeopardy

Road Warrior Hawk music video

The Bruise Brothers v Chris Ford and Devon Storm: From Philadelphia Pennsylvania on March 6 1994. The Brothers attack in the aisle, and put this one away quickly with a stereo big boots at 0:43. DUD

Jimmy Snuka/Tommy Dreamer feud review video

The Young Dragons v Rockin' Rebel and Pitbull: From Philly on March 6. Jason sits in on commentary for this one. Rebel gets introduced as the ‘Ayatollah of Rock ‘n’ Rolla,’ which I had no idea wasn’t something Chris Jericho came up with. Pitbull with a 2nd rope powerbomb at 3:38. DUD

Tazmaniac music video

JT Smith music video

Shane Douglas v Pat Tanaka: From Philadelphia on March 6. Shane is cocky early on, but loses a criss cross, and Pat delivers a headbutt drop to the groin, and Douglas bails. Inside, Tanaka takes him down in a headscissors, but Shane escapes, and delivers a hanging vertical suplex for two. Douglas with a snapmare into a chinlock, and he dumps Pat to the outside, where Sherri Martel is ready with a clothesline. Inside, Shane works a headvice, but Pat escapes, and makes a comeback. He gets caught up with Sherri, however, and Douglas levels him with a lariat at 8:53. This was competent. *

Sandman/Tommy Cairo feud review video

Ultimate Jeopardy ad

ECW Television Title Match: Tazmaniac v JT Smith: From March 6 in Philly. Tazmaniac dominates at the belly, and an overhead suplex gets him two. Smith throws punches to fight him off, and a suplex-slam gets the challenger two. Smith with an elbowdrop for two, and a cross corner whip is followed in with a clothesline. Another cross corner whip is followed in with a dropkick, so Tazmaniac bails, looking to regroup. Public Enemy shows up, and that distraction allows Tazmaniac to recover with a suplex, but Smith topples him at 2:46 to end Tazmaniac’s epic title reign at a week (or, an hour, in non-television time). Afterwards, a bunch of guys come in for a big brawl, since that’s the only booking trope ECW had before every big supercard they were hyping during this period. ½*

BUExperience: Tiresome.

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