Sunday, July 21, 2024

WWF Superstars (January 13, 1996)


Original Airdate: January 13, 1996 (taped December 19, 1995)

From Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Mr. Perfect

Owen Hart v Henry Godwinn: A criss cross goes Godwinn’s way with a big shoulderblock, which of course, Hart perfectly sells to make Henry look like a beast. Hart bails, but Godwinn brings him back in the hard way. Hart tries a headlock, but Henry easily powers out, so Owen tries a hiptoss, but Godwinn counters with a short-clothesline. Godwinn with a bodyslam to set up an elbowdrop, but Owen dodges, and puts the boots to Henry. Backdrop, but Godwinn blocks, so Jim Cornette trips him up, allowing Owen a spinheel kick to set up a 2nd rope elbowdrop for two. Hart with a neckbreaker for two, and he adds a legdrop, followed by a stomp to the groin. Owen with a ropeburn, but Godwinn blocks a turnbuckle smash, so Owen goes to the eyes. Hart with a cross corner whip, but Henry reverses, and catches him with a backdrop on the rebound. Henry makes a comeback, but Cornette distracts him to prevent the inverted DDT, and Owen recovers with a leg-feed enzuigiri and a leveraged pin at 5:03. I appreciate them trying to get the enzuigiri over as a murderdeathkill finisher, but needing him to use the ropes kind of negates the effort. Owen generally did a good job of carrying this, but his heat segment was surprisingly weak. *

A look at Shawn Michaels’ near career ending situation, including Shawn’s announcement that he’ll be returning at the Royal Rumble

Various wrestlers react at Shawn’s announcement 

Royal Rumble ad

The Smoking Gunns v Phil Apollo and Jason Ahrndt: The WWF Tag Team title is not on the line here. The announcers note that the Gunns’ title is in jeopardy against the Bodydonnas at the Rumble, but come on, in what world would anyone buy the Bodydonnas as tag champs in 1996? Nice try, guys. The Gunns with a combo at 2:00. DUD

Dok Hendrix is in the studio for the Royal Rumble Slam Jam

Vader vignette. ‘He’s fat’ is the theme

Razor Ramon v Jeff Hardy: Razor’s WWF Intercontinental title is not on the line here. Meanwhile, Goldust split screens in, sharing his excitement about finally getting to ‘put (his) hands on Razor’s body’ at the Rumble. Ramon gets ready to put this away, when Goldust’s usher comes out to present Razor with a centerfold of Goldust. Razor gets offended and chases the usher away, getting counted out in the process at 1:34. Hey, good for Hardy, that’s probably the only win he’ll ever get. Not like they’re can be two Barry Horowitzs. Afterwards, a fuming Razor destroys Jeff with three Razor’s Edges. Okay, we get it, you’re a homophobe. ¼*

Jeff Jarrett v Marty Garner: Ross puts over that fans can ‘interact with Jarrett in the WWF auditorium on AOL this Monday.’ Ah, early internet. As only JR can explain it. Jarrett with a figure four at 2:02. DUD

It’s nipply outside

Duke Droese v Spider: I’ll give this at least a quarter-star if Duke stomps on his foot, or something. Duke with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam at 2:53. At least he properly executed his own finisher this week. DUD

Dok is back with another Royal Rumble Slam Jam. Why is he dressed like a blinged out 1997 Sting this week? They’re announcing Bam Bam Bigelow for the Rumble match here, which didn’t happen. I wonder if they were trying to work something out, because I thought he was straight up done with them after Survivor Series

Goldust v Barry Horowitz: Razor watches from the back, looking disgusted, as Goldust squashes Barry. Goldust with the Curtain Call at 1:46. Hey, maybe there’s an opening for that Hardy kid after all. Afterwards, Goldust opens up his onesie to reveal ‘Razor’ painted in a heart on his chest, making Ramon (and about everyone else) uncomfortable. ¼*

Billionaire Ted’s Wrasslin’ War Room. Where steroids are cool

BUExperience: Really heavy on the Razor/Goldust angle this week. Some decent Rumble build, but nothing notable really.

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