Monday, July 29, 2024

NWA (JCP) World Championship Wrestling (June 21, 1986)


Original Airdate: June 21, 1986 (taped June 15)

From Atlanta, Georgia; Your Hosts are Tony Schiavone and David Crockett

Nikita Koloff and Ivan Koloff are out to talk shit about Magnum TA

The Rock 'n' Roll Express v Mike Somaini and Ray Aaron: The Express make very short work of this pair, putting it away at 0:26. DUD

The Four Horsemen are out to show off their mountains of gold. Poor Ole is the only one without a belt, but his ‘Damn I am good’ t-shirt is almost as good

Dusty Rhodes is on the Great American Bash tour, and he seems like his ass can barely remember what year it is, let alone what city they’re in

Manny Fernandez and Jimmy Valiant v Clement Fields and Pat Myers: Speaking of guys who look like they don’t know what year it is, Jimmy Valiant is here tonight. Manny with the jumping forearm at 0:52. No one’s getting paid by the hour this week. DUD

Jim Cornette is out, showing off footage from the Bash tour, where he had Big Bubba Rogers rough up Baby Doll a little. That draws Dusty out to break a chair over Bubba’s head, but he no sells, so Magnum TA runs out with a shovel, and Bubba backs down. Hot angle

The Midnight Express v Sam Houston and Rocky Kernodle: The NWA World Tag Team title is not on the line here. I’m still flabbergasted at how quickly Houston devolved into a bonafide jobber. Another quickie here, as the Express put it away at 0:35. DUD

Great American Bash Update

Baby Doll is out to laugh at Cornette

Magnum TA v Paul Garner: Magnum’s always doing quick squashes, and this one is no different - putting Garner away with the belly-to-belly suplex at 0:15. DUD

Wahoo McDaniel is out to threaten Jimmy Garvin. Basic shit

Ron Garvin v Vernon Deaton: Garvin with his knockout punch at a brisk 0:40, as we continue tonight’s parade of quickies. DUD

Ric Flair is back out to do more of his general boasting

Arn Anderson and Ole Anderson v Bill Mulkey and Randy Mulkey: Yeah, good luck, Mulkey’s. I feel like ‘mulkey’ could be a slur. I guess the card must have been running fast because they work a veritable marathon before Ole puts it away with an armbar at 2:17. DUD

Jimmy Garvin, Precious, and Steve Regal are out, and Garvin is fuming that Wahoo has upset Precious. Hey, he upsets me too, thanks for giving a shit though

Paul Jones and his Army are out, and they’re all about the hair. I did Baron’s monocle this week. I officially like him now

Ric Flair v Tony Zane: The NWA World Title is not on the line here. And we don’t get a match anyway, as Road Warrior Hawk shows up right as they’re about to get started, and attacks Ric. Flair takes a jumping shoulderblock, so the Horsemen run out, but Hawk press-drops Flair out of the ring onto them. They totally missed the catch there, and I’m surprised Ric didn’t break his leg there. The Horsemen gang up to get control, so Animal runs out of back Hawk up, but gets dropped with a piledriver on the floor. And then Arn gives Hawk a nasty gourdbuster, as this parade of near crippling spots continues unabated. Great angle to end the show on.

BUExperience: This was a short, half-length episode, and it flew by. 

I also have to note… I used to hate this show, but I’m getting more and more into it as we go on. I was almost disappointed that this was such a short show.

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