Monday, July 8, 2024

WWF Superstars (December 30, 1995)


Original Airdate: December 30, 1995 

Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect in the control center

Todd Pettengill narrates some of the highlights of the year

Video package on the Bam Bam Bigelow/Lawrence Taylor feud. Complete with Todd doing his annoying Howard Cosell impression the entire time

1995 Moment: Bob Backlund announces his candidacy for President of the United States

1995 Moment: Jerry Lawler getting a nosebleed while suspended in a shark cage during a Bret Hart/Isaac Yankem cage match on RAW

Bret Hart/Jerry Lawler feud video review

Jim Ross narrates a video package on Bret’s year long drive to win the WWF Title back after being robbed of it at Survivor Series ‘94

Dok Hendrix is in the studio with the Royal Rumble Slam Jam

1995 Moment: ‘Bill Clinton’ gets friendly with Sunny at Survivor Series

1995 Moment: Barry Horowitz shocks the world by winning his first match, pinning Skip. This is worth it just for Vince and Perfect each doing an impression of Jim Ross’ infamous call

Ross narrates a video package on Razor Ramon’s 1995, in which he set a record by becoming a four time WWF Intercontinental champion

A look at… Goldust. He’s taking an interest in Razor Ramon

A look at Jeff Jarrett’s return to the WWF, fresh off of a tour promoting his new album

RAW Bowl ad

A look at Undertaker’s various urn chases throughout the year 

1995 Moment: The Smoking Gunns win the WWF Tag Team title from Yokozuna and Owen Hart

A look at Diesel’s new post Survivor Series attitude 

Dok is back with another Royal Rumble Slam Jam. Why did we need two of these this week? I kind of get why they do it normally, but there’s no action this week, so it’s not like any storylines are advancing that Hendrix can comment or expand on. Not much here, just a few more names announced for the Rumble match. Some real heavy hitters this year, I’ll tell ya. Buddy Landel and Dory Funk Jr?! Take all my money!

Vince himself reviews Shawn Michaels’ 1995. Gotta appreciate Perfect’s smirk as Vince talks about the ‘thugs’ who attacked him in Syracuse

Shawn Michaels Tell Me A Lie music video

Various wrestlers reflect on their favorite moment of 1995

BUExperience: I found this unnecessary. And I have no idea why they even bothered with it, considering they were taping the shows anyway, it’s not like they were going live. This wasn’t bad, in any case.

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