Thursday, July 11, 2024

WWF Wrestling Challenge (November 30, 1986)


Original Airdate: November 30, 1986 (taped November 20)

From Rockford, Illinois; Your Hosts are Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan

Slick is suffering from a broken arm, suffered at the hands of Matilda, the British Bulldogs’ mascot

Junkyard Dog and George Steele v David Wagner and Raider: This continues to be a weird pairing. JYD with a powerslam on Wagner at 1:37, while Raider just stands there like an impotent jerk. No wonder he wore a mask. DUD

Jesse Ventura catches up with Honky Tonk Man, who still can’t believe that fans don’t like him

We get clips of WWF Intercontinental Champion Randy Savage defending against Ricky Steamboat on the November 22 episode of Superstars (taped October 28 in Binghamton New York), and just when Steamboat has him beat, referee Danny Davis comes in, and distracts the original official. That allows Savage to recover, and he does some serious damage to the Dragon’s throat with the ring bell. That feels like a big deal

Ken Resnick catches up with Koko B Ware, who really loves that damn bird. The one that keeps biting him

Superstar Billy Graham vignette

Six-Man Tag Team Match: Greg Valentine, Brutus Beefcake, and Dino Bravo v Sivi Afi, Haku, and Tama: Bravo and Tama start, and Dino chops him into the ropes, and delivers a sidewalk slam. An elbowdrop misses, however, and Sivi tags in for stereo knife-edge chops. Tag to Greg, bit Afi hits him with an atomic drop, and passes to Haku. Haku wins a slugfest, and a cross corner whip sets up a charge, but Hammer dodges. That allows Greg a snapmare into the heel corner, and Beefcake tags in with an inverted atomic drop for two. Back to Greg for a suplex, but Haku reverses, and he tags Afi. Afi with a headbutt drop, but Bravo comes in to break up the tag, and Roseanne Barr the door! Greg takes a cheap shot at Afi, allowing Bravo a suplex, and Danny Davis makes a fast count at 3:08. Nothing actively wrong with it, it just kind of never got into gear. ¾*

Resnick catches up with Wizard, so he can exercise his vocal chords. Have I mentioned how much I hate this guy lately?

Blackjack Mulligan vignette

Moondog Spot v Kamala: Spot attacks to kick start the match, and he takes Kamala into the corner for a ten-punch. Cross corner whip, but Kamala reverses, and throws a sidekick on the rebound. Kamala unloads in the ropes, so Spot throws punches, and throws a shoulderblock. Kamala no sells, and actually manages a leapfrog during a criss cross, before finishing Spot with a flying splash at 1:23. I appreciated the effort, but Kamala’s splash was on par with Jerry Sags’ flying elbowdrop. He just find of falls off the top rope. ½*

Jake Roberts hosts the Snake Pit, with guest Hillbilly Jim, and Jim is all folksy wisdom this week. But Jake, and his fur coat, are not impressed. Jim offers to make him a matching pair of murder fashion boots out of Damien

The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers v Jimmy Jack Funk and Gino Carabello: Funk is in his jobber era here. The Brothers split screen in here, to remind us that they speak French. It’s important to note. The Brothers with a combo at 2:26. DUD

Gene Okerlund catches up with Ricky Steamboat’s doctor, and Steamboat was fighting for his life after the attack from Savage. The doctor has advised Ricky to retire from wrestling

Outback Jack vignette

Hercules v Jack Foley: Heenan is out with Hercules, so we get Johnny Valiant on commentary with Gorilla. Jack is a young Mick Foley. Hercules with a torture rack at 1:22. DUD

Resnick catches up with SD Jones, and he’s such a nobody that instead of asking about SD’s career, Ken just asks him what his thoughts on the British Bulldogs are. And then George Steele shows up to say ‘hi,’ as Jones looks like he wants to cry. Steele is pretty hilarious here though, and saves the segment

BUExperience: The Savage/Steamboat angle was a big deal, and kind of drove this episode, despite not actually taking place on this episode.

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