Monday, July 22, 2024

WWF SummerSlam Countdown Show (August 30, 1993)


Original Airdate: August 30, 1993

Your Host is Todd Pettengill from his living room. Is that a picture of a young Shane and Stephanie McMahon behind him? This is Vince’s living room, isn’t it?

Todd runs down the card to start. After much schtick. Though, fuck it, I love this guy

WWF Champion Yokozuna/Lex Luger feud review. Vince is in rare form with the narration here

Bret Hart/Jerry Lawler feud review video

SummerSlam Hotline ad. It’s like the car dealer trying to sell you the maintenance plan before closing the deal on the car itself

Undertaker/Giant Gonzalez feud review video. Still no clarification on what the Rest in Peace Match is supposed to be, literally ten minutes before the start of the show

Todd runs down the card again

BUExperience: I find Todd’s sales pitches super comforting and nostalgic, so this was a win for me.

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