Friday, July 5, 2024

WWF Superstars (December 16, 1995)


Original Airdate: December 16, 1995 (taped November 21)

From Salisbury, Maryland; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Mr. Perfect

WWF Intercontinental Champion Razor Ramon runs down the In Your House card, via a Christmas lullaby 

Goldust is ready for Aldo Montoya/Zorro. Oh, was that Aldo’s outside job? This was the era for that. Beats ‘plummer,’ I guess

Goldust v Aldo Montoya: Goldust wins a criss cross and tosses Aldo over the top, as Vince notes that Goldust is ‘effeminate.’ Ross wonders if it’s mindgames, with Goldust using ‘homophobia’ to get in his opponents’ heads. This was very weird stuff for 1995. Goldust continues to dominate as they head back in, but he misses a baseball slide, and Montoya dives with a plancha. Aldo with a flying bodypress for two, and a clothesline follows. Backdrop, but Goldust blocks, and lands the Curtain Call at 2:17. Not much to this one. ½*

Dok Hendrix is in the studio for the In Your House Slam Jam

In Your House ad

Henry Godwinn gives us a glimpse of hog heaven. And a glimpse only, as the lighting is so bad I think we’re seconds away from nothing. It’s like they were shooting outdoors and didn’t bother to bring any lighting with them. Very low rent, and surprising for a WWF production 

Hunter Hearst Helmsley v Titus Dunning: Different jobber today. Helmsley split screens in, and he’s had about all he can take of Henry Godwinn. The Pedigree finishes at 1:41. DUD

Razor Ramon and Marty Jannetty v Jason Ahrndt and Jerry Faith: They announce that Marty will face Davey Boy Smith next week, which will not be for the title, should Bulldog win it at In Your House. Poor Marty, just can’t catch a break. Meanwhile, 1-2-3 Kid and Sycho Sid split screen in to cackle. Vince notes that Ted DiBiase has been searching for someone to be his ‘million dollar champion.’ After years of looking, you’d better hope whomever he found is worth the effort. Razors Edge at 2:09. Weird moment at the finish here, as they switch to a different aspect ratio, and the video quality drops at the same time. I wonder what happened there. DUD

Undertaker/Mabel hype video

Ahmed Johnson is ready to knock some teeth out

WWF holiday ad. Potentially about child molestation. Why was Wippleman alone with that little boy? 

Vince (and his best Christmas sweater) sits down with Davey Boy Smith and his wife Diana Hart-Smith. Diana clarifies that she’s backing Davey 100% this time, unlike at SummerSlam ‘92. Smith didn’t really come off heelish enough here

Skip v Rich Meyers: The crowd is more interested at wolf whistling at Sunny than anything going on in the ring here. Skip with a rana off the top at 1:25. DUD

Diesel/Owen Hart hype video. At least they’re not teasing Shawn Michaels for In Your House when they have no intention of delivering anymore

RAW Bowl ad

Isaac Yankem v Ahmed Johnson: Yankem hammers him into the corner to start, and a cross corner whip is followed in with a clothesline. Another cross corner whip, but Ahmed blocks, and delivers a clothesline. Ahmed adds a bicycle kick, and a powerslam sets up an elbowdrop, but Yankem dodges. Yankem works the arm, as Dean Douglas split screens in with a promo on Ahmed ahead of In Your House. For the match they never had, so maybe I should retract my earlier praise about not promoting Shawn Michaels. Ahmed makes a comeback and delivers a sitout tiger bomb, but Jerry Lawler runs in for the DQ at 3:10. Afterwards, the heels try a beat down, but Ahmed isn’t having it, and cleans house. ¼*

Dok is in the studio for the In Your House Slam Jam sequel 


Last second teaser, wondering aloud if Ultimate Warrior is headed back to 'terrorize' the WWF. I'd say so 

BUExperience: Not the best episode, and very little ring time. I mean, the total bell to bell time was about ten minutes, even with two feature matches.

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