Monday, July 22, 2024

WWF Superstars (January 20, 1996)


Original Airdate: January 20, 1996 (taped December 19, 1995)

From Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Mr. Perfect

Shawn Michaels is headed to the Royal Rumble. They weren’t even pretending anyone else had a chance

1-2-3 Kid and Sycho Sid v Aldo Montoya and Avatar: Aldo and Avatar attack to kickstart the match, and the dust settles on Kid and Avatar. Avatar wins a criss cross with an ocean cyclone suplex for two, and a flying axehandle follows. Tag to Aldo for a flying axe of his own, and Aldo works an armbar from there. Aldo with a knife-edge chop, and he passes back to Avatar with a superkick for two. A reversal sequence ends in Kid throwing a spinkick, as Ross channels 1998 Jerry Lawler while discussing Sunny. Sid nails Aldo with a clothesline from the apron before tagging in, and he wrecks Montoya from there. Sid with a powerbomb at 3:47. I’ve said it before, but Kid and Sid should have had much longer legs as a team. The Million Dollar Corporation generally sucked, but they had two underrated teams during their run (Kid/Sid and Bam Bam Bigelow/Tatanka) that should have been more than they were. ¾*

Dok Hendrix is in the studio for the Royal Rumble Slam Jam

Vader vignette

Ringmaster v Scott Taylor: This is Ringmaster’s second match in the WWF. It’s odd that his look wasn’t that much different than the Stone Cold look, but even the little differences (peach fuzz haircut, green tights, white boots) make him look like a whole different guy. His working style is also radically different. Ringmaster with a cobra clutch at 2:45. Lots of energy from Ringmaster here. ¼*

Shawn Michaels is shaking off his difficulties, and is coming back. With brain damage! 

Royal Rumble ad

Hakushi v Matt Hardy: As noted earlier, they haven’t even been pretending that anyone but Shawn Michaels is going to win the Rumble, but suddenly Vince puts Hakushi’s chances over. Of all people. Meanwhile, Barry Horowitz split screens in, letting Hakushi know that they may be friends, but it’s every man for himself in the Rumble. Shut up, Barry. Hakushi with a pump-splash at 1:19. DUD

Undertaker and Paul Bearer are hanging out at the cemetery, in what looks like it was filmed with a cheap camcorder from Sears. This was some WCW shit

The Bodydonnas v Glen Ruth and Chaz Warrington: The cat calling for Sunny here is out of control. Zip with a flying seated senton splash at 2:55. DUD

Yokozuna v Phil Apollo: They’re trying to get over an angle that Jim Cornette representing three men in the Rumble is a ‘conflict of interest,’ but I don’t recall that going anywhere. To that, Jim and Owen Hart split screen in, and Cornette won’t commit to backing Owen over Yokozuna. The Banzai drop finishes at 1:38. DUD

Hendrix is back with another Royal Rumble Slam Jam. At least they’re not advertising Bam Bam Bigelow any longer

Diesel v Isaac Yankem: I’m not even going to make the joke. Diesel hammers him into the corner to start, and a cross corner whip is followed in with a corner clothesline. Diesel with a sidewalk slam, but another corner clothesline gets blocked, and Yankem throws a series of rights. Yankem clotheslines him over the top from there, but loses a slugfest on the floor, so Jerry Lawler distracts him. That allows Yankem to nail him on the way inside, and Yankem delivers a backelbow before putting the boots to Diesel. Yankem with a bodyslam to set up a flying legdrop, but Diesel dodges, and a delivers a straddling ropechoke. Diesel adds a snake-eyes, but a big boot misses, and Yankem throws a clothesline. Isaac with a legdrop for two, but Diesel counters a DDT with a backbreaker. Both guys stagger up, and Diesel powerbombs him at 5:36. ¾*

Billionaire Ted’s Wrasslin’ War Room. The WWF, it’s not for sale! Until it literally is

Royal Rumble ad

BUExperience: Both of the feature matches were on the weaker side, but this served as a solid go-home show for the Rumble.

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