Friday, July 11, 2014

WWF Monday Night RAW (July 18, 1994)

Original Airdate: July 18, 1994 (Taped July 1)

From Bushkill, Pennsylvania; Your Hosts are Jim Ross and Randy Savage.

On Superstars over the weekend, Tatanka alleges that Lex Luger has sold out to Ted DiBiase

WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Diesel v Lex Luger: They do a power-stalemate to start, until Diesel tries to choke him, and Luger starts shoving back. He'll choke just fine on his own, thank you! Lex with a sunset flip for two, drawing Shawn Michaels up onto the apron to have a strategy session with big Diesel. His advice was apparently 'use the knee' (he passed that on to Triple H a few years later, too) as he catches Luger with a kneelift, and railroads him into the corner for some body shots. Luger with a powerslam to come back, and a series of closed fists put the champion on the outside to regroup with Michaels. Luger tries to break them up, but he learns the same lesson workers in locker rooms across the country have - ain't gonna happen, and Diesel pulls him out to the floor. Slugfest goes Luger's way, and he hits a backdrop, but a bodypress misses - and Lex goes flying over the top. Diesel slams him out there for Shawn to get in a cheap shot, and inside, Diesel holds him in a sleeper - with Shawn yelling at the time keeper to ring the bell. Luger with a side suplex to break the hold, and another series of clotheslines sets Diesel up for a DDT for two. 2nd rope clothesline for two, and he hooks the Rebel Rack - but the referee gets bumped along the way! That allows Shawn to sneak in with a Superkick, but by the time the referee revives, it only gets a dramatic two count. That draws Razor Ramon out, and both he and Shawn run in for a double disqualification at 15:00. Very energetic stuff - Diesel looking motivated with his push, and Luger looking motivated to move back up after his demotion to the midcard post-WrestleMania X. **

Hot RAW Girl Sign of the Week: RAW All Night

Mabel v Austin Steele: Mabel controls with power, and a whip into the corner sets up a sloppy Flair flip from Steele. He does the run to the opposite corner, but gets slammed off, and Mabel vertical suplexes him. Northern lights suplex for two, and an avalanche flops Steele. Scrapbuster, and we're done at 2:14. This whole match seemed like a rib on Ric Flair, with Steele dressed like him, and doing all of his spots and mannerisms. ¼*

SummerSlam Report! And, dear lord, does that Domino's pizza in the ad look fucking terrible. I can't believe I used to not only eat that shit back then, but actually ask my parents for it

Backstage, Owen Hart lifts weights, with Jim Neidhart shouting encouragement. Not the same if he doesn't pat him on the butt, sorry

Summer Sizzler Tour promo

Owen Hart v Reno Riggins: The cage match for SummerSlam was officially announced during the Report earlier, so an Owen squash her makes sense. Ross and Savage have fun comparing Owen to the Lion King, and wonder if his claims are nothing but True Lies. See, because those were big movies in 1994. Ha, and you thought you'd miss Vince! Owen squashes him, and the Sharpshooter finishes at 2:45. ¼*

Thurman Plugg v George South: Say what you will about this stupid Holly gimmick, but I was into it as a nine year old. But then, I liked the guy because he was fast paced, and entertaining in the ring - not because of anything to do with motorsports. Holly controls with a headscissors into a headlock on the mat, but George rakes the eyes to escape, and hammers him in the corner - only to miss a cross corner charge, and take a flying bodypress at 2:37. ¼*

Review of the Undertaker disappearance storyline, basically here to confirm that, yes, that Undertaker versus Undertaker match announced for SummerSlam is an actual thing, and not just a joke

Backstage, Ted DiBiase assures us that he controls The Undertaker now, and also Bam Bam Bigelow! Well!

SummerSlam Promo

Bam Bam Bigelow v Gary Sabaugh: Gary tries to control with forearms, but Bigelow dropkicks him, and hits a diving backelbow for two. Powerslam, and the Million Dollar Dream into a bulldog finishes at 2:53. Thankfully they realized that finisher limited his appeal, and went back to letting him use the flying headbutt/moonsault shortly after this. It's a decent finisher though, and I'm surprised no one has used it since. DUD

Jim Ross and Randy Savage interview Ted DiBiase at ringside, and he promises a big announcement this coming weekend - which we all assume has to do with Lex Luger. Cue Tatanka, who comes down to accuse Lex Luger of selling out. DiBiase then proves what a lousy investor he is, by putting up $10,000 on NIKOLAI VOLKOFF to beat Tatanka next week. Because that strategy worked out so well against 1-2-3 Kid?

BUExperience: Fun episode, with a Diesel/Luger match better than any of their later WCW ones, and an always entertaining tap dancing routine, as they torture poor Todd Pettengill into trying to make sense of their convoluted Undertaker storyline.