Monday, April 21, 2014

HITMAN383 Rant for WWF Royal Rumble 1998

- Okay, I picked this one up at TOWER Video this week. (Tower Video? Holy shit. Must have been the one across the street from the Blockbuster Video) Lets see if it's any good. This is considered the "turnaround" show for the WWF against WCW.  (This was originally written in 2000, when WCW was still a thing)

- BTW, I use this system:

***** - Excellent **** - Very Good *** - Good **- Okay * - Decent DUD - Awful.

- Good video package to open up.

- Live from San Jose, California.

- Your Hosts are, Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler.

- Right away we see "Iron" Mike Tyson watching from a sky box.

- Opening Match: Goldust vs. Vader: Goldust has Luna, and is also doing the Artist Formerly Known as Goldust gimmick at this point, and has a BIG ol' gut. Vader gets a HUGE pop, BTW. Dustin controls early on with a bunch of punches, but Vader comes back to a BIG cheer. Goldust bails, pissing off the crowd, but Vader goes all Terminator on him, and attacks, knocking Luna down in the process. He controls for a while, including a WEAK stair bump by Dustin. Back in, and Luna trips the big guy, turning the tide. Lots of speed moves by TAFKA Goldust. Big elbow to the mid section draws "ooohs." He beats the hell out of Vader, and Luna attacks him. 10 punch count by the Artist pisses Vader off, and he gives him a 360 clothesline, drawing a "Vader" chant. Goldust tries to slam him a couple times, but can't, so Vader suplexes him. Big splash gets 2, and he stiffly works on him. He goes for the Vader bomb, but Dustin hits a low blow, and can't capitalize. Vader calmly dismantles him with various power moves, setting up another Vader Bomb. As he goes, Luna climbs on his back, and he DOES IT ANYWAY, for 3 and a MONSTER pop. Nasty bump by Luna too. Good enough opener. ** 3/4. (I think that rating might be overstating the case a bit, but it was a good opener, regardless)

- Steve Austin arrives, and tells Cole to park his truck. Austin was a marked man, as the RAW before he beat EVERYONE up, and EVERYONE is pissed.

- Mini's Match: Max Mini, Nova, Mosaic vs. Battalion, El Torito, Tarantula: Sunny refs. and the crowd could care less about these guys. Max Mini is the only one people like, as he had a mini-push for a while. Nova starts with Tarantula, and they do stuff. Lots of high flying stuff, but it's Midgets so I could care less. They do LOTS of high spots, some which suck. Crowd is GONE. Lets FAST FORWARD, BABY! Ain't rating it either. (½*, for those who give a shit)

- The Nation searches for Stone Cold, but instead find a Foam Middle Finger.

- Vince and Shane sit with Tyson in the Box.

- WWF Intercontinental Title: The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock: Rocky gets on the stick, and people BOO him. Weird to see today, but it was "the usual" back then. BIG pop for Kenny. I never got why they didn't give him the belt here, and have Rock get it back at WrestleMania. (Well, no, that wouldn’t have made sense, since the money was in the babyface chase. However, I would have had Ken pick it up at ‘Mania, and then drop it back to Rock the next month) They start off all Karate style, to allow the crowd to get bored. They stall for a long time, and JR is AMAZING on commentary here. Rock keeps going for cheep shots, and Shamrock keeps countering it between stalling. Ken stiffly kicks him down, and then knocks him to the floor. Dwayne takes his sweet time to get back in, and then goes to work like a vicious boxer, making Tyson proud I'm sure. Ken comes back with lots of clotheslines, to remind me of the Ultimate Warrior, but Rock stun guns him to take control. LOTS of punching and kicking here, which proves to me they WERE NOT ready for this match. The WM and KOTR ones were MUCH better. Big cross body by Ken for two, and a Hennig plex for two. Miavia comes back, and doesn't seem to know what to do with him, so he takes him to the floor, and hits him to the steps, and back inside they go. He still seems confused, so Ken takes over with PUNCHES(!!) Layin' The Smackdown DDT gets a BIG "ohhhh" and a two count. That was Vicious! Chinlock by the not yet "Great One," and a long one two. He tries another Smackdown DDT, but Ken suplexes out. A punching we go! Ken gets in the zone, waking up the crowd, and a powerslam gets two. He beats the hell out of Rock, but a good ol' poke in the eye stops that. Ken goes crazy and rana's him, then takes out the Nation. He turns around and Rock bops him with brass knux and stuffs them in Ken's tights. It gets 2, and Ken belly to belly's him for 3. The crowd goes BERZERK, and Ken is the champ. Rock tells the ref. that Ken has knux in his tights, so he checks him and reverses the decision, to REALLY piss the crowd off. Shammy kicks some serious ass on some zebra's, and the crowd chants "Shamrock." Decent, but too punchy-kicky. * 3/4.

- WWF exclusive Home Video moment: Shamrock attacks the Rock in the locker rooms.

- Mayhem ensues in the locker rooms as people look for Austin. (Wait, a shitty WCW pay per view was going on back there?)

- WWF Tag Team Titles: The New Age Outlaws vs. The Legion of Doom: The NAO still weren't too over, and would go on to be one of the biggest team in WWF history... and then went back to where they started... un-over and boring. BTW, in the backstage interview with LOD they go all "late eighties" and do and interview that looks like it's out of WrestleMania V or something. Where's Sean Mooney when you need him? (Yeah, they really never adapted to the Attitude Era, and were still doing 80s pre-tape style promos)  They still get a big pop though. (It’s called ‘respecting your elders’)  Everyone brawls to start, which LOD wins with a big powerbomb by Animal on Dogg. The Outlaws try to walk out in frustration MOMENTS into it, but LOD brings them back, and Hawk kicks some serious ass on Jesse. JR brings up many old NWA teams, he is *SO* on tonight, it's NOT even funny. Rude Awakening by Hawk, and then he kicks *Billy's* ass with the same stuff he did to Jesse. He even works in the "Womens match only" hair slam spot. Odd to see. Animal controls BOTH of the NAO, and then rests. Hawk then goes all UFC and starts hooking on submission holds. Trip up by Road Dogg allows Gunn to knock Animal to the floor, and we go BRAWLING! Double Teaming by the heels backfires as Hawk hits a double clothesline, but a blind charge misses and both Road Warriors are down. Jesse grabs Handcuffs, and cuffs Hawk to the post. Question: Why do the ring side attendants at the Royal Rumble ALWAYS have handcuffs? This, '99, 2000. What, is the Rumble so dangerous you JUST NEED cuffs with you at that event? Animal fights them both off, and almost gets 3 on Gunn, and ANOTHER eye poke (popular tonight) gets the advantage, but a powerslam gets Animal a SURE 3, but Jesse breaks the count, and LOD win by DQ. Good enough. ** 1/4. (Where was I getting some of these rating from?)

- Stone Cold truck contest winner is Mildred Bowers from Nashville, and no, I don't care. I remember watching this LIVE I was pissed because I entered. (Wow, I don’t even remember that now. Besides, the fuck was I going to do with a truck? I was thirteen in early 1998)

- Highlights of Austin attacking everyone showing why he's a marked man.

- Royal Rumble Match: #1 is Cactus Jack, and #2 is Terry Funk. At the time they were partners BTW. Also, does anyone else notice the Chainsaw he carries makes noise, but doesn't move AT ALL. (Yeah, I think literally everyone noticed that) They go nuts on eachother with chairs, and Cactus wins that. Funk begs him to hit him, so he does, and he stumbles around. Jack then hands him the chair and say's "hit ME" so he does, and beats on him. #3 is Salvatore Sencere aka Tom Brandi, and the Hardcore Legends eliminate him quickly. They go back to fighting, and lots of chair spots are set up, including Jack VICIOUSLY suplexing Funk THRU a chair! #4 is the Rock, and a year later Jack/Rock is a main event feud. He basically kicks BOTH their asses back and forth 'till he gets bored, and just kills Terry. They double team him with weapons to amuse the crowd. They get him down, and go back to fighting eachother. #5 is Mosh, and Funk almost hits a guy in the front row tossing a chair at him. He and Mosh pair off, as Rock and Foley go, and nothing of note goes on. Terry with a big moonsault on Mosh, which almost rips Funk's head off. Slow portion. Phinies is #6, and goes right at Mosh. He is Mideon, BTW. (Again, here’s me referencing Mideon at the same level as if I was saying, ‘oh, this Terra Ryzin guy is now Triple H,’ or something)  Rock then takes over on Mosh (didn't he say this year, he'd only win if he got by Mosh?), and basically everyone is just stomping and punching everyone else. #7 is 8-Ball who is currently one of the Harris Brothers in WCW. He does nothing BTW. Funk eliminates Jack, and then does some goofy selling for Mosh. Crowd is going crazy about something, but we don't see it, but some cat calls make me think it was a flasher.Terry almost out by Rock, but he hangs on. #8 is Bradshaw, who just jumps in the fray beating on EVERYONE. This is SO SLOW, someone DO SOMETHING of note, damn it! #9 is Owen Hart, who gets a standing ovation my Mike Tyson. What? Seemed weird to see MIKE TYSON jumping up and down for Owen. (Yeah, that is weird)  He gets attacked by "Aztec Warrior" Jeff Jarrett and Jim Cornette in the isle, and can't compete. Great, THAT'LL make me happy. Take a GOOD worker out. Question: Is the countdown with the clock piped? It always sounds the same. #10 is Steve Blackman, who has a TON of energy going to work on Funk, and almost eliminating him. Funk teases about 50 elimination's a minute tonight, BTW. #11 is D-lo Brown, who goes to work in the "Gang Warz" with 8-Ball, and they show a lot of potential, but it goes no where. Rock and D-lo double team Bradshaw, then turn on eachother and trade rights. #12 is Kurrgan, who is TERRIBLE in the ring. So put OWEN out, but leave HIM in? He is REALLY tall, BTW, and looks like a monster. (Basically his whole reason for getting hired)  He eliminates Mosh in short order, then no sells Steve Blackman's stuff, and beats the hell out of him. Marc Mero is #13 with Sable, who gets a great pop (all for the chick.) He punches away on Steve, who is a major target tonight, and Kurrgan quickly tosses him, then attacks Bradshaw. Another slow portion for a while, and Ken Shamrock comes in at #14 to a BIG pop. Aren't those different tights from earlier? Everyone gangs up on Kurrgan and dump him to a pop. Shamrock is *WAY* over BTW. Godwinn and Mero double team him, then fight eachother, as Ken and Rock go at it. #15 is Thrasher, who attacks Godwinn with a vengeance, but gets stopped fast, and D-lo kicks Rock's ass for a while. #16 is Mankind. Foley's 2nd entry tonight, I guess. He attacks Funk right away and returns the favor by tossing him. He was in a while, wasn't he. Rocky and Brown double team Mankind, and then Ken comes over and nearly kills Rock with punches, and almost tosses him, but the eye poke stops that. #17 is Goldust (with NEW outfit) and he and Mankind brawl, which goes no where. Shammy and Miavia STILL going at it, as the crowd is eating it up. Dustin tosses Foley, and then almost gets Mero out. #18 is Aztec Warrior Jeff Jarrett (with the NWA NA title), and Owen comes in to nearly KILL Jeff. I mean VICIOUSLY. A year later, they are one of the best teams in the WWF. I guess Owen is in the match now, and he tosses Jeff to a HUGE pop. #19 is Honky Tonk man (with BIG gut), and no one seems to know who he is. Rocky gets Ken out, and HHH wonders down to ringside to scope out Owen, and he cheats to get him out. #20 is Ahmed Johnson, who is about a year too late for anyone to care. He's really fat, BTW, and kicks Godwinns ass, then goes after D-lo. Another slow portion, and #21 is Mark Henry (with BIG OL' SMILE). (Guess he just had a nice sandwich backstage)  He then remembers he's a heel, and gets a mean look on his face. He goes after Ahmed, and JR yells "Mark is handling the big Johnson" then realizes what he just said, and starts to stutter. Lawler keeps giving Honky his props (they are cousins, BTW). #22 is buzzed, but no one comes out. Ahmed and Godwinn tossed, then Johnson attacks Godwinn for no reason at all. D-lo turns on Mark and they brawl, and D-lo does the head Wiggle~! Jerry speculates that Austin was #22, and that someone beat him down in the back, and then the buzzer for #23 hits and guess who? No not him, just Kama. The Nation keeps brawling, as the announcers KEEP speculating Steve was #22. Honky almost gets rid of Rocky, but he escapes that. Man, Rock has been in there a LONG time. #24 and NOW we get Austin with a BIG pop. EVERYONE stops fighting and looks at the entrance for Austin, waiting to kick his ass. But he comes from the crowd, and quickly tosses a bunch of guys, and all hell breaks loose. Tyson loves it, and then D-lo goes to work on Austin. #25 is Henry Godwinn, who stomps a mud hole in Steve. Thrasher helps Austin out, and Godwinn is almost tossed. AGAIN something happens in the crowd, on TWO different sides, and they are going nuts. #26 is Savio Vega, but he brings all the Boriquas in to hurt Austin, but Steve cleans house. Thrasher keeps helping Austin for whatever reason. Rock isn't even that sweaty, and he was # 4(!!!). #27 is Faarooq, who goes right for Rocky, and attacks EVERYONE in the Nation. Rock runs away, and then Rock and Austin brawl on the floor, but they went THRU the ropes, so are still in. #28 is Dude Love. THREE TIMES baby! He tosses Bradshaw, and then Steve beats Dustin on the floor. In the ring, Rock hits the People's Elbow on D-lo (before it was named such, or anyone cared) and it feels weird to see no reaction to the move. SCSA attacks Rocky to a pop, and tries to get him out. #29 is Chainz who was the Underfaker, BTW. He does nothing. King is STILL kissing Honky's ass. #30 is Vader, who STILL gets a big pop.

- Okay, now the main portion begins. Vader disposes of Honky, and JR goes "He tosses Cousin Honky Tonk out." and King goes "He's your Cousin?!?" LOL. Slow portion, as they work slowly, and then Steve tosses Kama AND Thrasher. Savio stops him, but Austin stops *THAT* and eliminates him. Goldust floors Vader, and then Dude gets Godwinn out. Chainz eliminates Dustin, and this is moving FAST now. Down to Faarooq, Rock (!!!), Austin, and Dude. Rock was #4 damn it! Love and Faarooq fight, as Austin beats the hell out of Rock. They double team the Nation to big pops, but Austin tuns on Love, and *THEY* fight. Faarooq tosses Foley, and it's looking bad for Steve. Rock comes from behind and tosses Faarooq, and Rock and Austin brawl to MAJOR, MAMMOTH pops. Vince must have been listening, because WrestleMania XV was headlined by which two wrestlers???? (Vince Russo and Shane McMahon, wasn’t it?) Austin tosses Rock, but pulls a Davey Boy, and turns around before he hits the floor, and Rock hangs on. Austin stuns him, and now does it for real. Now *THAT'S* a pop. ** 1/2. Boring at times, but it was okay. Tyson and Shane-o-Mac go crazy. (Finally, a sane star rating for this show)

- Mike Cole is with Tyson, and he loves "Cold Stoned." He doesn't know who'll win the title match, but say's he loves the Undertaker.

- WWF Title Match, Casket Match: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker: And *THIS* is THAT match. Yeah, Shawn's last healthy match, as he takes a bump wrong, and ends his career right here. (Well, for now, anyway)  The video before the match, BTW, really gets you relied up for the match, as it shows their history, and how Kane and 'Taker may be friends as they saluted eachother on RAW and everyone was thinking Kane would help 'Taker tonight. On with the match. This is the best incarnation of DX, BTW, Shawn/HHH/Chyna. UT gets an earth shaking pop, which sends shivers up my spine. 1998 was such a great year for the WWF, from beginning to end, it was done so right, it isn't funny. Shawn uses his speed to outrun the 'Taker early on, as he hits and runs. But UT keeps coming at him, and Shawn's bumping makes this SO much fun. HBK keeps showing his fear by having to nail him and run away. Attempted cross body, caught by UT IN MID AIR for a chokeslam. Then it happens: UT backdrops Shawn over the top, and BAM he hits the Casket on his lower back, and history is made. Immediately the match noticeably slows down, but Michaels keeps bumping like a mad man, and speeds it back up. UT no sells a missed elbow, and keeps taking Shawn apart piece by piece. Back, arm, shoulder, he's going to work tonight! Flair flip (with extra bounce) by Shawn over the top. Man I miss Shawn so much. He goes up top, and gets powerslammed off. 'Taker almost locks him in, but Shawn tosses powder in the eye's. UT still finds him, and nearly kills him with a right, and takes it to him, with a bit of offense from Shawn too. Michaels tosses him to the steps, and then goes to work with them. Piledriver on the steps produces a big "crack." Ouch, and sick. DX attacks 'Taker, as JR speculates that if Kane were here, this wouldn't go down. He goes to put UT in the casket, but Taker comes back, and Michaels is my hero with his bumping! Long rest hold sequence, as Shawn wants to put him to sleep so he can put him in the box. Shawn snuffs a comeback by UT and hits his big elbow off the top. Superkick called, and it hits, allowing him to roll him in. He shows off too long, so UT reaches up and grabs him down low, and then goes postal kicking his ass all over the ring. UT knocked in the casket, and Shawn elbow drops INTO THE CASKET. Whoa. 'Taker then say's "enough of this" and goes to work trying to KILL him. Big chokeslam gets a pop, and we're headed to the box. He Tombstones him into it (!!!!), but the NAO and Boriques come out, and attack. Can UT ever win a Royal Rumble Casket match without 9 guys coming out? Kane comes in to help him, and cleans the heels out, then salutes UT again, and turns on him to shock EVERYONE. BIG boos to that. He chokeslams him in, and HBK closes it. I DO miss Shawn. **** 1/4. (…and right back to insane overrating)  Kane and Paul Bearer lock the casket and roll it up the isle where they chop it with an axe and light it on fire. Anyone know how they did it?

- Bottom Line: As I said, this was considered the turnaround show against WCW. The lower and mid card are good enough, but unspectacular. And the Rumble is not CLOSE to the best one ever (1992's RR match was the best at *****), but the Main Event is truly a classic. So we'll go Mildly Recommended.