Saturday, May 3, 2014

HITMAN383 Rant for WWF Coliseum Video: MORE Saturday Night’s Main Event

- The HITMAN383 Rant for WWF/Coliseum Video’s MORE Saturday Night’s Main Event. I stopped by a little mom and pop store today and picked up this and WWF’s Wrestlefest ’94. A rant on that is coming too. (This was originally written in 2000)

- BTW, I use this system: ***** - Excellent, **** - Great, *** - Good, **- Okay, * - Decent, DUD - Awful.

- We start off with Bret Hart telling us not to smoke, and an add for “No Holds Barred.” Oh G-D. It gets worse as the Warrior does a Slim Jim commercial. GREAT! (I like these more today, for the nostalgic value)

- We get a look at some of the funnier moments in the history of Saturday Night’s Main Event with Vince McMahon, Jesse Ventura, and Mean Gene. Vince is from the south?

- Haircut Match: Brutus Beefcake vs. Outlaw Ron Bass: Bass jumps him, but Beefcake knocks him outside. The match then starts officially, and Beefcake channels Triple H and hits a high knee. He pummels the Outlaw, and he bails. Slugfest follows (won by Brutus), but Bass gets an atomic drop to comeback. Gutbuster hits, and he works on his ABS! Yes, his main piece of offense is working the ABS! That goes on for about three minutes, and a piledriver looks to finish, but Bass pulls him up at two. He continues the offense, but can’t put Beefcake away, and Brutus gets a sleeper (popping the crowd BIG) to end this thing at 6:51. Boring match, ¼ *. Beefcake then cuts Bass’ hair, and does a damn good job of it. Crowd loves EVERY moment of it.

- The Rockers vs. The Brainbusters: Yes, it’s THAT match! The Busters attack from behind, and a pier six breaks out, which Shawn and Marty win. Shawn slams Arn off the top, and gets a Boston Crab, and another brawl breaks out, again won by the Rockers (double superkick). Shawn suplexes Blanchard, and works him over in typical Shawn fashion. Arn gets in, and a long series of criss crosses ensue, one won by Shawn, and the next by Anderson. Tully tags in, and Heenan pulls down the top rope dropping Michaels to the outside. It backfires, however, as Heenan gets tossed from the arena. After it all settles, Marty and Tully have a slugfest, and Marty hits an atomic drop, but the Brainbusters outsmart him, and go to work. Jannetty with a sunset flip for a one count, but it doesn’t help him as he stays in the Ricky Morton roll. He tries another, this time getting two, but Tully saves. Marty and Tully do a wrestling sequence, and then an atomic drop leaves Marty dead. The crowd is ON FIRE here! Arn with a spinebuster slam for two, which Shawn saves. Arn doesn’t break stride, however, and tries a Vader bomb, but it hits the knees. Hot tag to Shawn, who cleans house on both heels. Tandem sunset flip by the Buster’s gets a two count on Shawn, and brawl breaks out on the floor ending in a double countout at 8:30 (?!?). The Rockers kick ass to please the crowd, but the ending still sucks. Match ruled, however. **** ¾. Minus ¼ for the ending. I mean it was NON-STOP action for the whole match, and had a decisive ending had happened, this would be an easy 5-stars, but as is, **** ¾.

- The Red Rooster vs. Tito Santana: In the crowd for this? George Stienbrener. This match is basically here for the whole Bobby Heenan thing at the end. Tito kicks his ass to start, as George yells “FIRE HIM!” Cute. Rooster comes back, briefly, but Tito’s one tough guy tonight, killing him in return. Tito tries a figure four, but Heenan pulls Terry out of the ring and smacks him around for sucking, so Taylor fights back, but doesn’t quite turn on Bobby. He goes back in and whoops Tito for some two counts, but he can’t put him away. VERY stiff piledriver gets two on Santana, and a stun gun sets up a Sharpshooter, but Tito fights out. Terry bails, and Bobby smacks him around some more, allowing Tito a roll up for three at 7:23. Heenan climbs in, and yells at him some more, but Taylor snaps and kills him. The crowd could not be happier. *, for the whole thing. BTW, Heenan can sell as well as Ric Flair when he wants! (No one could sell getting slapped quite like Bobby)

- Ted DiBiase vs. The Blue Blazer: The Blazer is Owen Hart, for those who don’t know. Ted jumps him, and goes to work on the future King of Harts, but Owen gets a small package for two. Backslide gets two, and Ted comes back with a lariat. Double ax handle keeps the Blazer down, and Ted suplexes him. Highclass Violence, by DiBiase, but Owen lands on his feet off a backdrop, and spears him to the floor! Atomic drop on the stairs by Owen, and some Canadian Violence. Flying crossbody for two, and the crowd is going nuts! Backdrop by the Blazer, and a series of dropkicks. European uppercut gets two, but DiBiase gets a powerslam out of no where for three at 3:56. Short and sweet, ** ½. Another couple minutes, and this could have been something special.

- WWF Title Match, Randy Savage vs. Andre the Giant: Savage is over HUGE as a face. He goes right at the big man, but Andre IS Andre and easily stops the assault, and chokes away. Randy tries a slam, but can’t even TRY to get him up, because Andre is just relentless on the champ. More choking occurs. Savage makes a comeback, and gets Andre down. The heat is INCREDIBLE! As Savage works on the big man, Jake Roberts wanders out, and distracts the Giant, threatening to use the snake on him. It’s good enough to distract the big guy for the rest of the match, and he can’t mount a strong offense anymore. Bobby gets the snake from under the ring, but, Jake chases him in the ring, allowing Savage to beat him up. Andre gets tied up in the ropes, however, and Jake tries to use the snake, but he barely gets away. The whole match lasted 8:55, (plus hijinks afterwards) and Andre wins by DQ. Match REALLY sucked, but the heat was amazing. -** ¾, however.

- The Big Boss Man vs. Jim Powers: Can you say squash? Ray takes Jim apart, with very little offense out of Powers, and is REALLY fat. I mean, much fatter than today. During the whole ass whipping, Boss Man yells for Hogan. See, he and Hulky don’t like eachother. Bossman slam finishes at 2:30. DUD. Ray then handcuff’s Jim to the ropes, and beats him down with his nightstick.

- We get a look at Bossman attacking Hulk Hogan on WWF TV the week before with his nightstick. They beat the hell out of Terry, and he retaliates with an interview about how Bossman is going down, BABY!

- The Brother Love Show is up next. His scheduled guest is Hulk Hogan, but we get Slick instead. It doesn’t last long though, as out comes Hogan, much drier, and different looking than the interview that went on only “moments” ago. Love antagonizes the Hulkster, pissing off the VERY pro-Hogan crowd, by asking questions and then answering them for him. Hogan eventually has enough, and grabs the mic. from Love, and throws out some threats at both he and Slick. Love takes the mic. from Hogan (by force), and pisses Hulk off further, so he beats down Slick, and then Brother Love. Crowd loves it, and completely marks out for Hogan. I mean this was Rock levels of loud.

- Hulk Hogan vs. Akeem: This is joined in progress, as we see Savage in the locker room cheering Hogan on (this is still before the split), but Hulk makes a big comeback and kills Akeem, Bossman and Slick. The big slam hits, and he goes for the big leg, but Bossman uses the nightstick causing a DQ. 2:22 was aired, and it was a definitive DUD. After the Twin Towers beat down Hogan, they cuff Liz, but Savage comes out to make the save. Well that whole thing sucked.

- Slick and the Bossman cut a promo backstage. The gist of it is that Bossman is gonna beat Hogan in the steel cage. Slick also promises a surprise for Hogan.

- WWF Title, Steel Cage Match: Hulk Hogan vs. The Big Boss Man: This is a very famous match, BTW. Slick wastes no time bringing out his surprise, ZEUS. Yeah, I care. This is post WrestleMania V, too, as Savage is not with Hogan and Hulk has the belt. (May 1989) They dragged this feud on for a while, eh? Zeus attacks Hogan before the match, and leaves him dead on the floor, so Bossman takes him in the cage on his own, and chokes him with his own shirt. Hulk makes a quick comeback, and punches the big guy, and gets the big boot. He climbs, but Bossman quickly stops the effort and pummels him. Slam by Ray, and a splash, are enough for him to go to the door. Hulk stops him, and a slugfest ensues, which Hogan wins, but Bossman gets a spinebuster. He climbs, and is almost to the floor, but Hogan BARELY stops him, and SUPERPLEXES HIM OFF THE TOP! WHOA! Go with the workrate, Hulk! Both guys are dead after that, and Earl counts them down for some reason. Hulk pops up, however, and crawls for the door, but Bossman dives on his ankle. Lariat by the fat man, and Slick tosses a chain in. Choking ensues. He decks Hulk with it, but a double knock into the cage keeps them both down. Bossman makes an attempt to escape, but Hogan rams him to the turnbuckle, and then gets the chain. Ray blades (on camera, and before the first shot) and then Hogan drops the leg. You know, everyone KNEW Bossman would blade, because he wore wrist tape. He NEVER wears wrist tape. Hulk starts to climb, but Slick runs in the cage and grabs the ankle, so Hulk shoves him off. He nails Slick with the handcuffs, and then cuffs Bossman to the rope. Hogan starts to climb, as Slick unlocks the cuffs, and it’s a foot race, which Hogan wins at 10:02. Slick is still in the cage, however, and Hogan murders him. The match is DEFENITLY overrated by people, and is better for story than actual action. The superplex is something special, and the rest is solid stuff, so it isn’t a total waste, or anything. ** ¼.

- Bottom Line: Well, this is a pretty damn cool look at one of the WWF’s coolest shows back in the day, Saturday Night’s Main Event. The action is pretty good with the Brainbusters/Rocker’s match, and the DiBiase/Owen match. Anything that wasn’t that great (as a match) was cool in other ways (such as storyline), or just solid, like Hogan/Bossman, Taylor/Tito, and Andre/Savage. Overall it’s pretty fun to watch, and a lot of famous stuff happens like the Rooster/Heenan split, Hogan/Bossman in the cage, and the Rocker’s match. Definitely worth a look, if you can sit through the LONG build up of Hogan/Bossman.

- Recommended.

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