- A special HITMAN383 Rant. I figured, since I’ve seen every
WrestleMania so far, I might as well run through all of them, and score them on
a five-star scale, along with brief comments. (Basically written because I didn’t
have anything to rant on, as this was 2001 – pre-Youtube, pre-WWE Network)
- Those of you who follow my work for a while will note that I have one of these up at the Rant Center. I did that a long time ago, however, and I’m not that crazy about it. (I actually dug that up, too, and it will be included at the end)
- Let’s get started…
- WrestleMania I (1985): The first WM is a fun enough show for it’s time. Today’s fan may not care for it, but it’s history in the making. Definitely more slow than todays style, and the wrestling in subpar. The main event, at *** ¼ is the Match of the Night, but other than that, there isn’t much to see. **.
- WrestleMania II (1986): Held live in three cities, this show is pretty subpar too. The Bulldogs/Dream Team tag title match is pretty good (although not a classic), and the rest of the card is a pretty strong pass. Nothing too inspired, but the boxing match still serves as a highlight. Weak main event, however. *. (I hate this WrestleMania, sorry)
- WrestleMania III (1987): The true wrestling supercard. 90,000 people jammed into the Silverdome in Pontiac Michigan to witness Hulk Hogan fight Andre the Giant in the biggest draw of the first wrestling boom. The match sucks, but the sheer history is worth five stars. Savage/Steamboat have the first five star match in WrestleMania history, to make the wrestling memorable. The rest isn’t too great (wrestling wise), but it has such a supershow feel, that it didn’t matter. Piper/Adonis is fun too. *****.
- WrestleMania IV (1988): Long, boring and bloated. Randy Savage wins the WWF title in the big 14-man tournament, and that’s the only highlight of this one. Hogan and Andre fight again (although it’s not as big this time) in a particularly bad match. In addition, outside the tourney, nothing of real note happened, and other than the finals, the whole show is unmemorable. ½*.
- WrestleMania V (1989): A big improvement over WrestleMania IV. Hulk and Savage blow off the Mega-Powers super-feud in a **** ¼ classic. The rest of the card is pretty damn solid, but nothing really stands out as great, aside from the title match. ** ¾.
- WrestleMania VI (1990): Over 67,000 people jammed into Skydome to see Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior do battle. And unlike 1998, it kicked SERIOUS ass. Warrior beats Hogan in a **** classic to win his first (and only) WWF world title, but the rest of the show is forgettable. Nothing else stands out as great (much like WM V), but it was a fun show overall. ** ½.
- WrestleMania VII (1991): Many hate this because of the gulf war angle, but I’m not one of them. Savage and Warrior have a match falling INCHES from five star praise … and with a kick ass segment afterwards to make it an all time classic moment. The Hogan/Slaughter main event, I think, was very good too. I called it at *** ¼, and overall, the whole card is pretty fun. Other than those two, however, not much else is too good, but this one is worth it for Savage/Warrior alone. ***.
- WrestleMania VIII (1992): All around fun show, featuring a **** Hart/Piper match over the IC title, and an excellent WWF title match from Flair and Savage. Other than that, it’s ‘DUDS’ all around, but two great matches, and a fun atmosphere make for a good show. ***.
- WrestleMania IX (1993): Initially I loved it. Now, after further review, I hate it. Not one good match, and no scores settled. On top of all that, Hogan steals the WWF title from the more deserving Bret Hart, despite not even BEING in a scheduled title match. ¼*, for the atmosphere.
- WrestleMania X (1994): My all time favorite show. The opener is a ***** classic from the Hart Brothers, and the Shawn/Razor ladder match is the best WWF match of all time. Other than that, it’s an average show from the time period, but the spectacle, the history, and the atmosphere they created for the “tenth anniversary” show made it feel EXTRA special. In addition, Bret Hart finally gets the WWF title back from Yokozuna, and the show closes with my all time favorite moment in wrestling. *****, easy. (Still probably my favorite show, and though we may all be sick of seeing it today, that Ladder match still absolutely ranks as one of the best WWE matches ever)
- WrestleMania XI (1995): Not good, but not too bad either. The Shawn/Diesel WWF title match is a good outing, but other than that, it’s nothing special. Basically a throwaway card, with UT/King King Bundy standing out as the worst match. And to top it all off Bam Bam freakin’ Bigalow is in the main event … against a football player. *.
- WrestleMania XII (1996): Bret and Shawn have a 60-minute Iron Man match, which borders five stars. The rest is mostly un-notable, but Diesel/UT have a good outing, and Piper/Goldust have a fun street fight. Nothing really outright sucks, but other than the title match, nothing really kicks ass either. ** ½.
- WrestleMania XIII (1997): Other than IX, the worst WM yet. Every match sucks, has no heat, and has no redeeming value. Even the main event (THE worst WrestleMania Main Event ever, on all aspects) of Undertaker and Sid sucks. The only thing that saves this abortion, is the five star brawl between Bret Hart and Steve Austin that turned Bret heel, and Steve face. Had that been the main event, maybe this show would be a sweeter memory. But it was mid-card. Still, for that match alone, *. Just a note: Had Bret/Austin not happened, this would be worse than WM IX, and one of the worst PPV’s ever … period. (I hate this show for many reasons, and Hart/Austin is literally the only thing that keeps this from being unwatchable for me)
- WrestleMania XIV (1998): A BIG improvement over WrestleMania XIII, but still not excellent. Shawn and Austin have a crappy title match (due to injuries, not laziness), to kick off the Austin era. That alone has millions of points in historical value. The rest is a VERY solid card, with nothing sucking. Still, not a blowaway show, just a solid show. ** ½. Time hurts this one, as today we see PPV’s just as solid, and with more blowaway matches. (Historically significant, but probably one of the most overrated shows of all time)
- WrestleMania XV (1999): Like IX, I loved it initially. Time, however, has not been kind to this card. Once Vince Russo’s booking became exposed for what it is, the holes in the show started REALLY showing. Austin/Rock have a good title match (but not NEARLY as good as XVII’s), and Shane McMahon makes his debut in a good match with X-Pac. The rest is forgettable, without much good wrestling going on. *. (That’s being exceedingly generous)
- WrestleMania XVI (2000): Very solid wrestling (along with a five star ladder match pitting the Hardyz/Dudleyz/E&C), and great efforts from almost the entire card. Still, something doesn’t sit well for me with this show. Maybe it was the 8-hour pre-game show that made me so tired. Maybe it was all the McMahon involvement in the main event. Or maybe it was the fact that we had a 4-way for a WM main event, with a HEEL winning. I don’t know, it just doesn’t click for me. ** ¾. (All of those things combined. Plus, not even ONE singles match? Fuck off)
- WrestleMania XVII (2001): It seems that every seven years, the WWF is COMPELLED to give us a blowaway WM. 1987, 1994, 2001. (Unfortunately, that theory didn’t hold up with WrestleMania XXIV in 2008) They deliver in style here. A great main event, bordering five stars, that ISN’T hurt by a heel winning. A classic match from the Hardyz/Dudleyz/E&C again, and an awesome Benoit/Angle match. The whole show is solid, top to bottom, with the bad stuff being either short, or fun. Plus, the thing was held in front of 68,000 people in a huge dome! Truly epic feel the whole way through, and lets not forget the Gimmick Battle Royal! *****.
- I hope you enjoyed the look back at all the past WrestleManias. Questions? Comments? E-mail me!
- Final Note: If history repeats itself, and after every ***** WM, the next one sucks, WM XVIII will absolutely suck-ass. Be warned! (That theory did end up proving true, however)
(And now, the original version of this, which was written in 2000):
- Well, as you know, I'm currently treking thru all the
WrestleMania's. But today I picked up Spring Stampede 1999, and I'll review
that next. But since the main topic for me now is WM, I figured I'd do an
overall review of all 16 here.
- I'll rate each 'Mania with a star rating. My system: *****
- SEE IT... NOW! **** - Great show. If it's in the store, get it! *** - Good
show. Solid. **- Okay... nothing special, but not bad. * - Decent DUD - Awful.
- WrestleMania I: A full rant for the show is up, but
in a quick look, it's a solid show. The wrestling is decent, albeit slow. But
it is fun to watch, if you have two hours to spare. Main Event is about *** by
my count, and other then Andre/Studd, David/Brutus it is all good enough. **
- WrestleMania II: Live from NY, Chicago and LA, and jam packed with celebs. A
REALLY GREAT Bulldogs/Dream Team match, and a good Funks match, but other then
that it's a total pass. A full rant will be up soon. * 3/4.
- WrestleMania III: Where does one start? The height
of ALL wrestling in North America as Hulk
Hogan and Andre The Giant put 93,000 people in the Pontiac Silverdome. In
addition, a true classic as Randy Savage meets Ricky Steamboat, with a great
feud to boot. This is, easily, *****. A full rant will be up soon.
- WrestleMania IV: Crowded. Too many matches, and
none of them are too good. Still, fun for what it was. *. A full rant will be
up soon.
- WrestleMania V: Great blowoff to Hogan/Savage (good
match, too) plus some great action in a packed card. Yes, there is some crap
(Duggan/Brown anyone?) but good stuff too. Solid, ***. A full rant will be up
- WrestleMania VI: Over 60,000 people jam Skydome in Toronto for this one, and
Hogan battles the Warrior for the WWF title. Real classic too, at about ****.
The rest is forgettable, but is a fun show. ** 1/2. A full rant will be up
- WrestleMania VII: The Gulf War angle draws super
heat in the Sgt. Slaughter vs. Hulk Hogan main event, and Randy Savage vs.
Ultimate Warrior is at about **** 1/2, plus the Liz moment is there. Good
enough wrestling too. Solid show, indeed. *** 3/4. A full rant will be up soon.
- WrestleMania VIII: Ric Flair's only WM appearance,
and a goody. As he wrestles a **** 1/4 classic with Savage. Hogan/Sid fight,
and Bret/Piper have a **** affair. Plus the Ultimate Warrior moment is here.
Really, superb. **** 3/4. A full rant will be up soon.
- WrestleMania IX: Some HATE this show with a
vengeance I personally thought it was okay. Luger/Hennig is great, and the Mega
Maniacs/Money Inc. match is good enough. Plus the Caesar's Palace deal was
something to remember. ***. A rant is now up. (Man, my opinion veered on that
one pretty quickly)
- WrestleMania X: Quite possibly the BEST WWF show of
ALL TIME. It rocks the house with two ***** matches. Plus the Bret moment at
the end is classic. A must see. *****. A full rant will be up soon.
- WrestleMania XI: Jam packed with celebs, but the
actions is sub par. Diesel/Micheals have a *** 3/4 affair, and LT/Bam Bam is your
main event. Eh. **. A full rant will be up soon.
- WrestleMania XII: Well, Shawn/Bret is about ****
3/4-***** and is really the only reason to watch this show. Piper/Goludst is
fun, but not a "match" by any means. * 3/4. A full rant will be up
- WrestleMania XIII: Bret/Austin is *****, and is
regarded as one of WM's best matches ever! The rest, however, is total crap.
UT/Sid is your main event. Need I say more? *. A full rant will be up soon.
- WrestleMania XIV: This show ROCKS. It has GREAT
wrestling, and Austin
gets his first world title. Truly something to behold. ****. A full rant will
be up soon.
- WrestleMania XV: Rock/Austin is solid, and the rest
is good enough, albeit uninspired. Shane/X-Pac is worth a look. ** 1/2. A full
rant will be up soon.
- WrestleMania 2000 (XVI): A ***** Ladder match, and
the action is SOLID, but Triple H going over in the main event holds me back
from liking this show in its full effect. *** 3/4. A full rant will be up soon.