Okay, we're moving right along thru these tapes. I got two
done yesterday, and here's a third one at you today. This time, it's "Good
Times Home Video presents: WWF's Most UNUSUAL matches.... EVER!" Well, the
cover has Shawn and Bret falling off a ladder, so I have HOPE BAYBE~! Though
the back of the box shows Jim Duggan and Mabel, so maybe I'm getting too
excited. (This was originally written in 2000)
- Anyway, WWF's Most Unusual matches Ever. Released in 1994.
(I remember finding this in some bargain bin
at a WalMart around 1995. Still had it in my parents’ house until they moved a
couple of year back, and now some hobo probably has it. Enjoy, hobo!)
- Generic video opens us. Same as all the "Good
times" video's like "Best of SummerSlam" and "Best of
WrestleMania," just a different title at the end of the package.
- Gorilla Monsoon hosts! Thank G-D too, because I've had to
deal with Dok Hendrix in TWO videos yesterday.
- Ladder Match: Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels: YES~!
YES~! YES~! I believe this is from an episode of "Prime Time" of
"Wrestling Challenge" because those banners are hanging. Bret is the
IC champ, and this is between WrestleMania VIII and SummerSlam '92, cause Shawn
is a heel. I also think it's the first ladder match in the WWF. (It
was. In fact, this was supposed to be a template for a match at SummerSlam ’92 between
the two, but when the event got moved from Washington to London, they shuffled
the card to move Bulldog into the IC title match instead) Starts off
basic, with Shawn working Bret over. Bret comes back, and HBK bumps around, and
takes a HUGE backdrop. Hart systematically takes him apart, piece by piece, but
as he goes for the ladder, Shawn clips him, and goes to work. Building's pretty
empty. Shawn gets him down after some power stuff, and gets the ladder. Long
isle way too. He drags it back, but Hart clocks him, and Shawn takes a sweet
post bump, that the camera missed. Bret kicks ass, and gets the ladder himself,
but Sherri stops *THAT* to allow Shawn to almost get the title. Crowd gets a
heart attack, but Bret stops him, and they brawl around. Hart climbs and gets
knocked off. Shawn controls with some ladder spots. He tries to ram him one
time too many, and misses, so he sets up the ladder in the corner.... and does
nothing with it. Hart takes control, and whips him to the ladder, but it's
reversed, and Bret flies into it. Shawn goes up, and Bret pulls him off, and
the ladder falls on him. Crowd gets *SO* into it when someone climbs. Hart goes
up, and Shawn rams his head to the ladder (on top) and he falls off. Nice
enough spot. Michaels puts the boots, and climbs, but Bret knocks him off, and
a brawling we go! Bret with a clothesline from the 2nd rope as Shawn was trying
to toss him to the ladder. Looked really cool. Bret with a slingshot to the
ladder, and Shawn sells beautifully. Bret controls with the usual, and a double
KO spot goes down. Both climb, and, of course the ladder tips. Sherri tips up
Bret on a criss cross sequence, leading to a superkick. But his move was a side
suplex, so it didn't give anyone a heart attack. NOW he hits the side suplex,
and the crowd is worried. He almost makes it, but Bret drop-kicks the ladder,
and he falls to the floor (and gets crotched). Hart climbs, and gets the belt.
****, and a big pop. This is MUCH better then the SummerSlam 1995 Shawn/Razor
match. Why? Well, the bumping wasn't as great, because, afterall we are in
1992, but the wrestling during the match was much better, and the ladder spots
were still good. Shawn/Razor was a good match, but I personally like this
better. Not to say the WM X match wasn't better then THIS, because it was. Just
not the SS '95 one. (Don’t know about that, HITMAN. The SummerSlam ’95 match was pretty
great, but that statement alone certainly makes me want to get around to doing
a BUExperience on this one sooner than later)
- $10,000 Match: Razor Ramon vs. 1-2-3 Kid: From RAW
in 1993. This is the week after he beat Razor, so Razor put up $10,000 to fight
him. This building isn't even worthy of an ECW show. Kid gets a quick
advantage, and hits a flying sunset flip for 2, the a shit load of high flying
stuff for two counts. Razor takes control with power stuff, as chants of 1-2-3
go off. Kid bumps around like a champ. Weird to see X-pac like this. He's
announced at 1-2-3 Kid, but he has "Lightning Kid" on his tights.
Abdominal stretch by Razor, and Ramon is just taking his sweet time to hurt and
humiliate the kid. Side suplex from the top hits hard. He calls for the Edge,
but instead tosses him to the floor, exposes the concrete, and goes for the
edge on the floor, but gets backdroped out. Kid goes up, and SERIOUSLY screws
up, as he slips off the top, and falls head first to the floor. On second
viewing, this is a SICK bump, and clearly accidental, as Razor moves him
slowly. He slaps him up in the ring, and misses a move, so Kid moonsaults him
for 2, and then just steals the money and runs out of the building to the
street, and into a waiting car. Sean looks *SO* odd at this point, his face
looks like a baby pigs. Match is still a lot of fun, ***. (Just covered this again recently
as I work my way though 1993 RAW episodes. It’s not three-stars)
- Mabel Doink,
Mo Doink, Luke Doink,
Butch Doink vs. Bam Bam Bigalow, The Headshrinkers, and Bastion Booger: Aw
great. From Survivor Series 1993, BTW. They show some kids in a crowd, who look
truly freaked out by the heels. Hey, it's Rikishi! I can't describe how stupid
this is. There isn't even the REAL Doink in this whole match. Mabel looks *SO*
gay coming to the ring. Just saying. What the hell is Oscar saying? (I
believe it was, ‘dadadadabah dadadadabah WHOMP THERE IT IS! WHOMP THERE IT IS!’)
Long stall session. Booger starts with Luke. Nothing really happens as the fat
ass slowly hits him, then Luke bits his ass. He tags Samu. Samu works him over
with the usual crap. A prank by the faces quickly gets rid of Samu, and Fatu
comes in, to basically do the same thing Samu did.... only a little faster. Fat
Ass comes in. Oh... which fat ass? Booger. He does nothing, and tags Bam Bam.
He works Luke over, and tags Booger. He tries a "happy gay guy" butt
splash, but lets off to go eat banana's... tries again, and misses. Battering
ram eliminates him. What a piece of shit this match is. Fatu works over Luke,
and Mo comes in, mid match, to ride a scooter around the ring. I think that
says a lot about the match right there. Fatu then decides to beat on Mo, and
hits his big splash, but won't cover, he wants to eat. Another prank eliminates
him. Bigalow is 1-4, and kicks serious ass on everyone, 'till Momma bear
(Mabel) intimidates his, but exposing his arm pits. Mabel works on him, but
eventually misses something in the corner because of his speed, and goes to
town. Another prank allows all the faces to make a sandwich for 3. Oh. My. G-D.
-**** 1/2 All the elimination's were pranks, I think that sums it up. This
match is a joke. Comedy match at it's lowest common denominator.
- Lumberjack Match: Jim Duggan vs. Shawn Michaels:
For the IC title from RAW in 1993. See, Shawn ran away the week before, so this
was signed. Manhattan
Center is VERY small,
ECW-ish building, but still has a great atmosphere. HBK comes out on crotches,
which Mr. Perfect nails him out of, to prove it was a fake. They had the issue.
This is between WrestleMania IX and KOTR '93. Duggan controls with power stuff,
and Shawn bumping makes it look pretty good. Wow, Shawn makes JIM FREAKIN'
DUGGAN look good. Flair flip in the corner, and Duggan continues to control.
Shawn is my hero. Big bear hug by Duggan, and turns it into a huge slam for 2.
Lumberjacks of note: Bob Backlund, Terry Taylor, and Yokozuna. There are
others, but none that are of note. Shawn tries a comeback, but Jim uses his
head literally to stop that. 10 punch count in the corner, and a Flair flop.
Shawn gets tangled in the ropes, and Duggan tosses him to the floor. The
lumberjacks bring him back with glee, and Duggan continues to kick his ass. HBK
takes of his boot, and clocks Duggan to cause a ref. bump. Fonzie (the ref.)
gets up quickly, and Shawn keeps dumping Duggan to allow the lumberjacks to
hammer him. Hacksaw comes back quickly, and Shawn tries EVERYTHING to stop him,
but can't. Finally Shawn turns the tide, and applies a chinlock. He breaks, and
Duggan takes control, and hits a SUPER high backdrop. HBK outsmarts Duggan, but
a flying bodyblock gets turned into a slam for 2. Jim sets up the 3 point
stance, which Shawn SUPER sells, and knocks him to the floor. Back inside, and
HBK misses a Stinger Splash, but Bam Bam helps him get the advantage, and Shawn
drops him out by Yoko (they had an issue) and Yoko hits a BIG leg. Shawn puts a
foot on for a clear 3, but Perfect comes in, and attack Shawn, causing a DQ win
for Shawn. Everyone brawls, 'till Duggan clears the ring with his stick. I mean
his 2X4. Dirty thinkers. Match is surprisingly pretty good. I love HBK. ** 3/4.
- Bottom Line: This is a pretty good tape. I mean a four
star ladder match, a three star match, and a good enough Shawn/Duggan match
makes for a recommendation. But The Doinks/Bigalow, Headshrinkers, Booger thing
is appalling.
A little side note, with today's audience liking HUGE bumps
in ladder matches, and crazy spots, this one may not be for you. It is a great
fast paced match, with good bumping, but IS NOT what we saw at WrestleMania
Recommended, but fast forward thru
the Survivor Series match. 

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